Hello Admirals,
We improved urgently some of the things you requested in your recent feedback.
Small Update v1.2.9 R
- Fixed old issues of the campaign which created various inconsistencies in after-battle damage calculation of ships, affecting their repair or sink status.
- Further Battle AI adjustments to fight at more effective ranges.
- Further Auto-Design improvement for the AI (In old campaigns the effect of this improvement will apply only in new designs or refits of the AI).
- ASW is stronger against submarines in the auto-resolved battles.
- Other minor issues fixed.
The Game-Labs Team
22/3/2023 Repaired version update
- Fixed issue that caused several ships to begin in "repairing" status in a new campaign.
- Fixed a problem which could cause 'ghost" ships, ships that should have been scrapped, but eventually appeared for a dissolved or other nation.
- Fixed a few minor English localization errors.
-=Please restart Steam to get this update=-
Changed files in this update