Hello animazing community,
We are releasing a very special build today, with a lot of surprises for all you tinkerers out there:
added Animaze API that enables 3rd party apps or hobby developers to control certain functions (e.g. load avatar) or get certain info (e.g. list of ready to use avatars) of/from the Animaze Desktop application. See docs here!
added a Programmable Tracker that enables 3rd party apps or hobby developers to directly retarget their tracking data on the Animaze avatar (Animaze 3D, Live2D, VRM, Ready Player Me, GLB). See docs here!
adjusted avatar spawn location behavior that fixes undesired spawn positions for scenes prepped for Animaze Rooms.
fixed Live2D props misplacing when loading Quickscenes.
added support for eye angle ranges for VRM models (see VRoid Studio Eye Alignment options).
added Camera Transitions for Quickscenes.
added Frame Transitions (fade and two dissolve anims) for Quickscenes.
moved Webcam settings to a separate settings tab.
VMC Tracker now supports camera transforms, you can start using Animaze as a Virtual Production setup with a hand controlled (by external device) render camera.
fixed Ultraleap retargeting in Animaze Rooms.
fixed issue with generic idles which disabled head and body tracking (for all 3D avatars, previously it was fixed for VRM/RPM).
extended Quickscenes generation to more than 10 slots. You can now create virtually infinite Quickscenes. Quickscenes over the initial 10 slots can be triggered through Stream Deck or Animaze API.
added 9 more animations to the Mannequin (animations available for all VRM and RPM avatar out of the box): 3 walking cycles and 6 sitting idles.
updated the Live2D SDK.
Let us know what you think on Discord, Twitter, or via email at support@animaze.us.
Your feedback is vital to a small team like ours!
Happy Streaming,
The Holotech Team
Changed files in this update