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Knights of the Chalice 2 update for 21 March 2023

Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.58

Share · View all patches · Build 10821100 · Last edited 21 March 2023 – 16:59:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone! Here is version 1.58 of Knights of the Chalice 2. It's a small update.

Please see below if you're interested in the new Wounded Script and Turn Script for module design.

Thank you so much Dorateen for updating the Hearkenwold adventure and for uploading a new video of Hearkenwold showcasing the new special effects! Here is the video's link:
Please don't hesitate to email me at if you find any bugs and annoyances, so that I can fix the game quickly. A saved game may be very helpful, too. Thank you!!

I'll post a new Kickstarter update soon.

Thank You So Much For Your Support, Valiant Heroes of the Realm! Best Regards :-)

List of changes in Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.58

  • Added the following options in the Game Options screen, under Display: limit weather effects to map boundaries, allow map colour changes due to rain, allow rain special effects, allow snow special effects, allow falling-leaves special effects, allow will-of-the-wisp (glows) special effects, allow fog special effects. Also updated the in-game help entry for game options.
  • Fixed a source of crashes when moving the party with the numpad keys and the destination square exceeds the map's boundaries.
  • Fixed a bug with the recording of game time. This would result in the display of an incorrect game time when loading a saved game.
  • Fixed bugs with the weather effects when the frequency is set as 'always' for any of them.
  • The combat-action tooltip for the Elephant Spirit Animal Sonic Breath Weapon will now indicate that it is indeed the Elephant Spirit Animal, and not another type of breath weapon.
  • Added the code required for the execution of scripts that are triggered in combat when a creature is wounded or damaged. You can set a creature's Wounded Script in the intelligence tab of the Creature Properties screen, within the Creature Editor. Examples of use of the Wounded Script:
  1. The Wizard Zarx is essentially invulnerable until the player has done a specific thing such as destroy a mirror or a jar. After each hit, he recovers lost Hit Points and a Vrock is summoned (up to five).
  2. The Necromancer Eldark has linked his body with that of a bunch of slaves using a sinister ritual. Each non-fatal hit on the Necromancer kills one of the slaves and heals the Necromancer (as with a casting of the spell Heal).
  3. Garock the Barbarian will taunt the player the first time he receives a hit, shouting 'That's the best you can do?' or 'Oooh, a mosquito bite!'.
  • Added the code required for the execution of scripts that are triggered in combat at the start of the turn of a creature. You can set a creature's Turn Script in the intelligence tab of the Creature Properties screen, within the Creature Editor. Example of use of the Turn Script: at the start of her turn, the Cleric Llagotha will call upon Chaotic Evil deity Hexdra for assistance if her Hit Points have dropped below 55% of the maximum, or if half of her allies have been defeated. She won't be able to do it if she's sleeping, fascinated, stunned, dazed, affected by hideous laugher, etc. With the Turn Script, you don't need to check for these conditions within the script itself, as the Turn Script for a character will only be executed when that character can act normally. You do need to track whether the script was executed before if you don't want the script to be executed multiple times.
Windows Knights of the Chalice 2 Augury of Chaos for Windows Depot 1233531
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macOS Knights of the Chalice 2 Augury of Chaos for macOS Depot 1233532
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