Bug Fixes and improvements:
- Fixed blurry text on the planet
- Fixed lose stinger not triggering
- Made gameplay message less obtrusive
- Quality of life: when choosing a leader, the selection is no longer reset upon closing and reopening the leader selection screen
- For long texts in the leader and event popups, a scrollbar appears instead of making the text smaller to fit the popup
- Made the game manual accessible directly in-game
- Fixed the Dikes and Ocean related achievements
- Fixed a specialization exploit where you could discard the moon space project to get a bonus and add it back for free and infinitely
- Fixed a bug with relocating city-mines which you could not discard and get stuck
- Fixed a flew localisation related issues
- Fixed a bug where you would get a constant reminder to do an explore action
- Stopped the blinking the “place HQ/Found city” button until you have hired a leader
- Fixed a bug where Pierre Barbier Building wasn’t counting it’s bonus correctly
- Fixed a bug where the game would freeze when trying to load a corrupted save
- Made that playing an explore action building from a far zoom would zoom in towards the planet like leader skill
- Fixed a expectation event issue when setting environment to 0 in Custom mode
- Fixed a bug where the wrong save would be loaded when playing on steam offline
- Other small fixes and polish
Balance changes:
- Lowered the difficulty of all scenarios a little bit. Except for the expectation level 15 in custom game, this one is still the same.
- Lowered the end-game difficulty of lower difficulty scenarios a little.
- Increased the amount of oceans you need to have nearby before ocean projects are proposed.
- Increased Tsvetan’s specialization to give 20 support income instead of 15.
- Increased volcano spawn rate slightly
Changed files in this update