This update lays down the foundations for the new "Challenge" system, a new way to unlock relics.
To help testing out the system this patch already includes 3 challenges, have fun beating those and let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions.
More challenges will be added with the next big update, which will also contain a new playable hero heavily inspired by suggestions from the community. Its design and balancing is 90% done but it still needs more work on the art and animation aspect.
I'll post updates of the work in progress on Discord/Twitter.
Apart from that, this patch also includes a variety of visual improvements and balances changes.
The localisation on this update is slightly delayed, sorry about that. Don't hesitate to come and complain on Discord if you are affected by that. (for real, it's always good to know)
Here's the complete list of changes:
Added new Challenge menu: complete challenges to unlock new relics and Steam Achievements
New Relics unlockable through Challenges:
Timeless Leaf : Find the magical tree and cut off one of its leaves
Pendant of the Unlucky : Beat the Hydra without upgrading any brick
Labrys Relic is now unlocked through a challenge: Beat the Minotaur without enraging it
Added new Hero Portrait Buttons in the hero selection room
New rewards sounds
Relic choice menu now has a short animation when appearing
Vampire Event, maxp hp reduction for accepting reduced from -50% to -35%
Primal Essence: regen Brick healing reduced from 50 to 40
Trebuchet Damage increased from 15 to 16
Cursed One Wraith minions attack cooldown increased from 1.5 to 3
Local forest residents reported a goblin warband having established a camp in World1. They are very hostile and have been seen throwing axes at nearby travelers. Visitors beware.
Changed files in this update