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Erannorth Chronicles update for 21 March 2023

New Organization (Dauntless Pioneers) and 70 new cards.

Share · View all patches · Build 10819375 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi folks,

Today's patch adds a new Organization in the game (Dauntless Pioneers) aimed at experienced Erannorth veterans and 70 new cards.

The new cards feature a diverse range of sub-themes and morph actions, appealing to players who enjoy a jack-of-all-trades style with larger decks, and the ability to combine various skills in unique ways.

_The Dauntless Pioneers are renowned throughout Folkswave as the foremost adventurers' guild, attracting only the most skilled and experienced individuals from all walks of life. Founded in a time of great peril, when the kingdoms of Folkswave were beset by savage beasts and hostile forces from beyond their borders, the guild was born out of necessity. The first members of the Dauntless Pioneers were a ragtag group of warriors, scholars, and explorers who banded together to confront the dangers that threatened their homes and loved ones.

Over time, the guild grew in size and influence, drawing in new members from all corners of the land. The Dauntless Pioneers became known for their daring exploits and their unflagging commitment to the cause of adventure and discovery. Whether it was mapping uncharted territories, slaying fierce monsters, or rescuing hostages from the clutches of enemy forces, the Pioneers always rose to the challenge.

Today, the guild is a sprawling network of adventurers, with members in every kingdom of Folkswave and beyond. The Dauntless Pioneers have established outposts in remote regions, from the icy tundras of the north to the steamy jungles of the south. They have developed a sophisticated system of communication and logistics, enabling them to coordinate complex missions and respond quickly to emergent threats.

Despite their reputation as fierce warriors and daring explorers, the members of the Dauntless Pioneers are not solely driven by a thirst for adventure and glory. Many of them are motivated by a sense of duty and honor, feeling called to protect the people of Folkswave from the dangers that lurk beyond their borders. Others are driven by a desire to unlock the secrets of the universe, to explore the unknown and uncover the mysteries of existence.

Whatever their motivations, the members of the Dauntless Pioneers share a common bond: a deep-seated passion for adventure and discovery, and an unbreakable commitment to the guild and its ideals. They are a band of brothers and sisters, united by a common cause and bound together by a fierce loyalty that knows no bounds._

The guild perks follow 4 distinct perk paths, and boost in different ways the cards of your 'Trained' skills.

Additionally, you'll find 20 new background that will let you explore various different Dauntless Pioneer builds.

You can read more details in the patch notes below.

Patch Notes - 21/03 # 1.057.1

New Content

  • Added new Organization: Dauntless Pioneers with their assorted perks & 70 new cards.
  • Dauntless Pioneers main skill is 'Omnitalent'. It's similar to 'Spellweave', but Omnitalent makes use of various expertises across the entire skill spectrum. The majority of the Dauntless Pioneer perks will affect "Trained Actions", these refer to the Skills you have at least 1 rank.
  • Added 20 new background exclusive to certain organizations and the Dauntless Pioneers.

Misc Additions/Changes

  • Misc tweaks in the various organization perks to reinforce their flavor and identity.
  • Morph in cards will now display as an icon.
  • New keyword: ExploitStatus[Status]:x, If the enemy has {Status} counters, they lose {x} HP for each counter and then lose all of their {Status} counters. ExploitApply[Status2]:x, can be used along, to inflict [Status2] if ExploitStatus harms the Enemy.
  • In Perks: ModifyEffect[EFFECT]IfExpertTrained:x, will modify the [EFFECT] by x in all the trained Skills (Skills the player has at least 1 rank.)


  • Fixed an issue that caused certain characters to load with less than their max HP when loading them at their maximum health.
  • Effects inside Morph constructs will be properly listed in the card's Codex entry appendix.
  • Fixed some typos in various perks.
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