SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 1.4.1
Reported by players as follows :
• Ally ships take much higher damage than usual in raids and battles when they are close to me.
• The game crashes after having 200 faction members and assigning them to the army. (We have currently imposed a limit on this. It will not affect your existing troops, but the number of troops and ships will depend on certain parameters in the future.)
• After the pirates disrupt my warp drive, if I don't give them my cargo items and let them go, I can't warp again after they leave.
• After the pirates disrupt my warp drive, if I choose to fight but move too far away from the battle area, I can't warp again.
• If I am attacked by pirates while on my way to a battle, the battle continues without me and I cannot warp back to it.
• The frequency of AI Faction Attacks (and Faction Defense ops) is too high.
• In the tutorial invasion battle, I (a level 5 player) end up at war with Starlord Thunder (a level 45 faction).
• I receive notifications about upcoming attacks even though I haven't installed a radar building on the capital station.
• Before upgrading the cargo hold skill to rank 1, there were 61 slots, but after the upgrade, it became 59.
• Reloading while aiming and then releasing aim during the reload animation keeps the slower aim sensitivity despite no longer being in ADS. You have to click ADS again to get it back to normal sensitivity.
• If I select a planet as a warp target when it is in view, I cannot see the points on the surface after closing the interface.
•I turned on raid mode while performing a scan operation. After my probes returned to the ship, I am unable to turn off raid mode
• If I use the Dash perk at the same time as the Boss and collide, the Boss disappears from the map and the mission gets stuck.
• I just captured a station with 1000 people on it, but I still only have 13 members on my faction screen. (We have not been able to reproduce this bug, but we have made a few changes that we believe will prevent it from happening.)
Note: We suspect that WRA members are being mixed up with non-earthling residents in the game. You can see the number of non-earthling residents on the trade panel's details interface.
• After the Rebirth perk is activated, my ship stays in god mode permanently. It gets fixed when I save/load.
• Sometimes my combat drones reappear in my hangar when I dock at a station, even though they were destroyed in battle.
• Sometimes, the missions I give to Freelancers come back to my inbox with the same name and rewards.
• Some Black Ops ships turn into Fighter class when I upgrade tier, and their Black Ops stats are dropping.
• The Multi Missile skill does not consume energy or have a cooldown.
• If I raid and conquer a system with a raid, even if the system is transferred to my faction, it is not removed from the former owner's list.
• Every time I press the Trade button on the faction interface, resources are added to the faction.
• Although the radar buildings I install on my station claim to provide more detailed notifications about upcoming attacks, they only provide tier 1 notifications.
•When I build support buildings on the buildings I acquired from other factions, I can build them at 0 costs (without using any resources). However, I cannot build support buildings on the stations I built myself.
•If there are items in my inventory with the same name and class (different items but the same name), their stack values get mixed up.
• There is a wrong offset at the tip of the mouse cursor. Especially in vertical movements, buttons are 'hovering' before the tip of the mouse reaches the button.
• I received a notification that my capital station was under attack, but when I went to the system where the station is located, there was nothing there.
• The automatic save file taken before a raid, sometimes does not save current missions.
•There is an imbalance in the ship classes of Faction generals. I can give a Level 1 pilot a mothership, and it gets destroyed by 4-5 fighter-class ships during combat. (We have now added level requirements to ship classes. Generals will be able to use higher-tier ships when they reach certain levels.
•Player Drones not acquiring new targets after the first target is dead/missing (Mostly during battles and raids)
•If I build one station in a system, the first Outpost I build after that seems to exist in the background but does not appear on the map.
•Leveled Bounty Hunter to Rank 2, but the Epic components market shows me whites and no epics
•When entering elevators used to advance to the next level in caves on planet surfaces, I sometimes fall down, and the game got stuck.
•Incorrect message when trying to equip Components that a ship does not have a slot for / is incompatible with. The message says “no free slot”.
•Sometimes when I spawn a combat drone, the status of the probes changes.
•If I am the owner of a system, the stations I set up in that system are invisible when I enter and exit the system. Every time I enter and exit, it becomes visible again.
If you are experiencing performance or crash issues, please try deleting the "Config" folder located at "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SB2\Saved".
Changed files in this update