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Beat the Machine: Rebooted update for 20 March 2023

BTMR: Tutorial Update - Patch 1.4

Share · View all patches · Build 10815164 · Last edited 20 March 2023 – 23:26:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Beat the Machine: Rebooted – Patch 1.4

Hey Cadets,
Welcome to the Tutorial Update Patch. This patch is focused on updating the tutorial and giving visual and audio clarity to multiple different sources throughout the game. While this patch may not be as exciting as other patches, we want to get more players in love with the game we created. In addition, we want to open up some new paths of building as well to get more players excited about our skill tree.


Level 1: New Tutorial + New Dialogue + Main of features of the level stay the same with reduced spawners and a feel for some great skill options.
Level 3: Bugfix where an enemy in extremely rare scenarios would drop a key slightly behind where it was destroyed.
Level 10: Increased audio clarity.
Level 15: Increased VFX new boss phase.
Level 20: Audio and Visual Quality
Level 25: Health Bar Quality and Audio Quality upgrades. Note, there may still be a bug or two here and we plan on fixing asap if that’s the case.


Speed Node Tier 2: Fixed a bug that caused their glow to glitch in certain corners of maps.



Shell Shield:
Shell Shield has been the go-to pick for most splash builds. We want to reduce its double point power to inspire other choices of the same tier.

  • Shield reduced from 12(+5% Armor)/18(+12% Armor) to 12(+5% Armor)/16(+12% Armor)

Projectile Prism:
This skill has a weird interaction in its Tier 1 that we wanted to remove.

  • Bugfix: If an enemy attack would be reduced by less than 1 damage. It is now always reduced by at least 1 damage.

Power Surge:

  • Shield value increased from 40%/55% to 50%/65%.


Slowball Shooter:
Slowball shooter is melting in pick rate, and we need to refreeze it back into a viable option again.

  • Movement Speed increased from 3/4/5% to 3/5/7%. Note: This value also directly increases the damage Slowball Shooter will deal by approximately 0/7/14%.

Light Speed:
Paragraph time, Light Speed was coded in a weird way when combined with some other skills, we rewrote the code and it caused it in 50% of cases to deal bonus damage and in 50% of cases to deal less damage. Basically for the purpose of this, just now note that Light Speed is better when used with a single stream of bullets and worse if you use it with Triple Barrage or Wave Refractions.

Honestly, it feels weird to put Corruption here, but its pick rate is reflecting a need to nerf. A small nerf here is needed but nothing large.

  • Pure Damage lowered from 20 to 15.

Ring Dash:

  • Damage adjusted from 65(+5 for every 5% bonus rate of fire) / 85(+7 for every 5% bonus rate of fire) to 55(+5 for every 5% bonus rate of fire) / 90(+7 for every 5% bonus rate of fire)

Pulse Blast:
We wanted to give movement speed builds an active that dealt raw damage rather than just increasing a rate of fire or shield bonus.

  • Damage increased from
  • 30(+30% Damage)/55(+60% Damage)/80(+90% Damage) to
  • 30(+30% Damage)(+100% Bonus Movement Speed) / 55(+60% Damage)(+200% Bonus Movement Speed) /80(+90% Damage)(+300% Bonus Movement Speed)
  • Rokorzium Beacon:
    • Movement bonus increased from 15% to 25%.


Datahack is often combined with every Tier 3 ability in the game and we want to broaden the Tier 2 options.

  • Damage lowered from 10 to 5.

Triple Threat:
Overall this ability has felt just beneath the rest so we are giving moderate buffs to it, to make sure it doesn’t become the best pick of the Tier 4’s.

  • Rate of Fire increased from 25% to 30%.

  • On-Hit Damage increased from 30% to 35%.

  • Remember Triple Threat is able to critically strike.

Fire Flare:
So originally we were planning to make heavy changes toward Fire Flare in order to make Volt Zap and Target Acquired feel more used. After careful consideration, we have ultimately decided to not nerf Fire Flare until we see how the remainder of this patch lands. For now Fire Flare will not receive the original changes we wanted to provide. Note: We may decide in the future to buff Volt Zap and Target Acquired rather than nerf Fire Flare. Stay tuned for next patch.
Rocket Mayhem:

  • Upgrade 2 damage increased from Damage increased to 10(+38.5% Damage)(+60% Critical Strike Chance) to Damage increased to 10(+38.5% Damage)(+70% Critical Strike Chance)

Energy Storm:
Energy Storm is known as the Max Health damage ability and we want players to have more fun in killing big health enemies quickly.

  • Storm Damage increased from 8%/11% Max Health of the units struck to 8(+1% per 10% Critical Strike Chance)/11(+1.3% per 10% Critical Strike Chance)
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