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Tiny Rogues update for 20 March 2023

PTR Update

Share · View all patches · Build 10814775 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

You might need to restart Steam to get the update.


What's a PTR?
PTR stands for the public test realm. Which is another version of the game, a sort of public beta realm for players who want to help test new features.

How do I join PTR?
Right click Tiny Rogues in your Steam Library and select "Properties". Then select "Betas" and chose the _public-test-realm _in the drop-down menu.

Patch Notes

(Also includes changes that happened in 0.1.9a)


  • The average attribute total of classes has been reduced from 6 to 5. (Doppelganger is still at 3, Hero and Deprived are still at 6.)
  • Pyromancer starter attributes have been changed. (Dexterity removed)
  • Rage has been nerfed. (40% total to 30% total)
  • Reduced defense enemies gain from status effects.
  • Mystic's starter body armor now grants minor infusion items (called "Leftovers") which only last for 1 room.
  • A golden mimic will now drop 3 rewards, up from 2. (as the normal golden chest now drops 2 rewards always)
  • Elusive Boots and Goliath Greaves now grant fixed amounts of Evade and Suppression each.
  • Removed option to reset achievements from the game.
  • Shrines are now immune to being exploded during combat.
  • Increased sell values at Pawn Shop again.
  • Mystic starter weapon: Estoc has been buffed.
  • Wizard starter weapon: Oak Staff has been buffed.
  • Bard's starter body armor has been buffed.
  • Bard's Song of the right Path has been buffed.
  • The flux status effects from Mystic's ability have been buffed.
  • The Mystic now finds more Infusion reward rooms.
  • The Watcher's Charm now grants +1 defy death.
  • Regeneration Charm now grants +1 heart recovered by flask.
  • Archon Scepter effect now happens on hit, rather than on attack.
  • Bard is now guaranteed a damage boosting song in the final floor.
  • Soul Pylon rooms now count as boss rooms again. (Floors are considered completed upon defeating the floor boss though.)
  • Lowed the minimum movement speed of every boss. (basically a buff to Chill and Slime Wand)
  • Pharaoh base movement speed has been slowed by ~12%.
  • Attributes from equipment now don't affect reward appearance rates anymore.
  • The On Death's Door Cinder modifier now also makes you start with empty flask charges.
  • Spellblade now has a limit of 100% increased attack speed from mana.
  • Storm Cloud has been nerfed a bit.
  • Attribute appearance rate weightings are now slightly affected by scaling from equipped weapon.


  • Fixed rerolling NPCs at the tavern. (Previously with every reroll there was a 15% chance that a cluster of NPCs would completely despawn and never be re-enabled.)
  • Proficiency traits now append the damage increase they grant to the description again.
  • Block, Acrobatics and No Pain No Gain now adjust their description again if nerfed by active Cinder modifier.
  • Fixed a bug where Blessings could be above max level.
  • Fixed error thrown by The Watcher's Charm.
  • Fixed Tyler's Robe.
  • Fixed Relentless Assault.
  • Fixed spin-rate of Bibles and Flails.
  • Fixed some formatting issues in equipment descriptions.
  • Fixed descriptions of health equipment items.
  • Fixed descriptions of armor equipment items.
  • Fixed that Storm Cloud had no effect.
  • Fixed that Static Blows description was wrong.
  • Fixed that Mega Death transition text would not wait for input.
  • Fixed that spam starting to drink the flask would increase size of the flask infinitely.
  • Fixed that Grenadier had no cooldown.
  • Fixed that Life Drain Scepter always dropped a heart pickup.
  • Fixed a bug which made it possible to have red health while having Arcane Potency.
  • Fixed weird interaction between Suppression, Disarm and additional damage taken from Death's Mark. Additionally, Dragonscale Armor was changed to now grant 50% less damage taken, previously -1/2 heart damage taken.
  • Fixed that bombing Blood Chests would still drop heart pickups instead of flask charges.
  • Fixed description of Candy Scroll.
  • War Caster appearance is now gated by wearing a Magic weapon again.
  • Shield Bash appearance is now gated by wearing a Melee weapon again.
  • Tacticool Reload appearance is now gated by wearing a weapon that uses ammo again.
  • Fixed that the Mystic's offhand weapon would also grant the information about the boss weakness while the item was not attuned.
  • Fixed Doppelganger class cycling.
  • Fixed that enemies that should not trigger on kill effects would trigger them anyways.
  • Fixed that Proximity Defense wouldn't do anything.
  • Fixed a bug with items in inventory floating on screen when you alt-tabbed while dragging them.

Thank you for reporting bugs and providing feedback.

If you want to join the conversation, join the community Discord!

Changed depots in public-test-realm branch

View more data in app history for build 10814775
Windows Depot 2088571
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