So, this is a huge milestone for the game: all the planned content is now playable. It's not the end of the road, I still have to add stuff like controller support (coming later this week), fix any potential bugs people find, and finish/polish the UI. Then there's marketing stuff I need to do (starting with revamping the store page, all the screenshots and videos are outdated). But all the playable content is now available.
New Features
All 48 trinkets are now in the game. They can be acquired by buying them
from the genie, which will permanently unlock them for all future runs and are
equipped by pressing E in-game to open the inventory. Each trinket uses up a pocket
and cannot be unequipped for that run. Since they have in-game descriptions I won't
list them all here.
All the skills are now completely finished. Those missing level 5 abilities have had them added.
Gemoetrics skill now produces additional anomalies other than the holographic decoys it produced before: a square block that prevents enemies from walking through it, a singularity that draws enemies towards it (like the Warp spell) and an area of warped space-time that slows enemies that walk through it. At level 5 all anomalies last longer than usual.
The armament damage skills (Artifice, Channeling, Sorcery and Presence) have a small chance to trigger a positive status effect when used. Its duration depends on the damage of the skill (except summon skills which are all 2 seconds).
Artillery now drops a random level 5 meteor on aura pulse when upgraded to level 5.
Discipline has a very small chance to recharge a shield when picking up mana at level 5.
Divinity's Holy Executioner now fires additional projectiles at level 5 (like a shotgun).
Gating now creates two teleport circles at level 5. When the PC steps on one, they are transported to the other. The circles then go on cooldown for about 20 seconds.
Leadership: player has a chance to gain a positive status effect when a summon dies.
Logistics: Player gets +1 to all attributes when activating the genie with level 5 Logistics.
Necromancy: 50/50 chance Necromancy summons a Skeleton Deathknight instead of the Skeleton Legion it usually summons at level 5. The Deathknight has higer stats than the Legion, a 10% chance to inflict curse on enemies it attacks and a 25% chance to leech health on attacks.
Pathfinding skill now makes it easier to push enemies. At level 5 it grants +1 speed. Like nimbleness this skill was perviously disabled (except level 5 bonus) due to the graphic glitch it caused.
Ultimate Spells
5 new ultimate spells have been added, bringing the total to 10/10.
Stratobeacon - creates a beacon that summons a Titan after 20 seconds. Titans throw
lightning bolts that pierce through multiple enemies.
All For One - All of your summons are destroyed and your health is reduced to 1 to
create a Paragon. The Paragon's damage and attack speed is boosted based on how
many summons were sacrificed. paragons rapidly fire energy blasts at enemies and
attack enemies in melee range with holy blades.
Glimpse of Paradise - Heals you and all your summons for 10 seconds and summons
3 jade beetles. Jade beetles are very tough and are useful for tanking enemy hordes
but their attack is fairly slow.
Armageddon - drop level 5 meteors and lightning bolts across the screen for 10 seconds.
Wisp Mother's Sorrow - creates 3 wisps that rapidly orbit around you firing energy bolts with various effects at nearby enemies.
All secrets are in the game. Find all 6 secret levels, then beat them to unlock the grossly overpowered 6 monster classes.
I almost forgot: the last 3 regular races have also been added:
Spawn: A race created by a rogue demon long ago, the Spawn live in underground tunnels beneath the swamps of their home isle. They can summon a fog that grants them Mistform, and when they leave the mistform status they entangle all enemies in aura range, permanently reducing their movement by 20% of their current speed.
Galatean: A race of sentient puppets, they are very agile but also tend to creep other sentient races out, which can play in their favor. Their magical nature grants them focus on aura pulse and they cause fear among nearby enemies when one of their shields is broken.
Archon: Divine beings that hate evil but rarely interfere in the affairs of other mortals. They have lower health than other races but their abilities synergyze well with shield focused builds. Their aura occasionally recharges a shield and pulses twice, repeating aura pulse effects. They also gain the Empower and Focus status effects when one of their shields break.
Nimbleness scroll in the library Agility tome now adds +1 speed for a limited duration at the start of a new level. At level 4 it just adds +1 speed. This scroll
was previously disabled due to graphic bugs fractional speeds induced.
Increased the damage of the Aeromancer's Ball Lightning.
Bug fixes:
Fixed issue with volume settings not saving properly after quitting the game.
Changed files in this update