r31 Changelist:
- NEW Species - Heev - You can now make new hare characters with unique set of 10 patterns and 7 tails <3
- NEW Island - Iskaai First Pass - The wild hare island, colder and further north than Skiia. The first pass of Iskaai only includes huntable Heev. Further updates will add more things to do and see on the island <3
- NEW Act - Anal from Gweneviewe - Gwen, the amazing piercing merchant on Skiia, now has a full act and expanded dialogue <3
- Added additional dialogue to NPCs around the townsquare for Gwen act.
- Fixed unequipping weapon not working when weapon is out.
- Fixed Gold Quest not taking gold bar as it should.
- Fixed inconsistencies in Navmeshes.
- Fixed inconsistent softbody application between body areas.
- Fixed Map and Logbook being openable while dragging items.
- Fixed mismatched rumor markers for Cartographer.
- Fixed vanishing Cartographer markers.
- Fixed two inaccessible jewelry boxes on Skiia.
- Fixed two inactive map locations on Kizan.
- Fixed missing navmesh jump off links for Ship and on Kizan for prey/crew.
- Fixed flying rope on Skiia.
- Fixed missing colliders on Tubby cave.
- Fixed cart overwhelmed by dirt on Skiia.
- Fixed player being left in the Ful Goddess realm even though narration claims you were yeeted out.
- Fixed missing mine stairs collider on Skiia.
- Fixed some holes in the Skiia mountain.
- Fixed some very flipped out ropes on Scraven camp on Skiia.
- Fixed Kort misgendering player in edge cases and adds flirt option if player missed act trigger earlier.
- Fixed butt softbody issues with underwear.
- Fixed occasionally spazzy grass due to wind changes.
- Fixed Spirit having non-genital penis details.
- Fixed golden prey/crew losing shiny fur materials.
- Fixed ear jiggle twitching.
- Fixed player lantern causing nullref errors with shadow optimizer.
- Fixed camera trying to evade rifle casings.
- Fixed unerect penis piercing tracking.
- Fixed Ribbons rumor not having completion tags.
- secret
- MODDING: Fixed Iskaai support for modding.
- MODDING: Fixed clonedCrewRestore not restoring NPCs properly.
- MODDING: Updated cloneAsCrew command to assume .Start node if unspecified.
Enjoy! <3
Changed files in this update