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Football Coach: College Dynasty update for 20 March 2023

Update v0.5.0: Substitutions, stamina and strategy

Share · View all patches · Build 10808590 · Last edited 20 March 2023 – 16:46:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is a pretty major update, adding roughly 7,000 lines of code. There are two huge changes to core mechanics, and both add more realism and improve the depth of the game.

Firstly, stamina.

With this update, every player who plays in a game is given stamina, which starts at 100. As players play snaps, their stamina decreases. If a player rests, then their stamina will slowly regenerate. This is important because stamina directly affects their attributes; lower stamina means worse performance! This means that after your defense is out for a long drive, you may want to give them some rest with your offense.

Additionally, each player in the play will lose stamina differently; QBs don't lose as much as DL, for example, but if you start calling a bunch of QB runs, they would lose more. This adds another layer of depth to the game strategy, and to help you configure and optimize your rotations, I've completely remade the depth chart.

Each player in your depth chart now has a 'stamina strategy' which determines when they will be subbed in and out. This can range from 'Keep fresh' to 'Every down'. Players with 'Keep fresh' will be benched earlier and more frequently than 'Workhorses', which will stay out even when tired. This allows you to really customize your substitution strategies, like playing 2 OL as much as you can but keeping the rest fresh, or always leaving that impactful safety in the game.

Additionally, most positions now have a 'preference' that can be set for each player. This controls where the player is set at the start of each play. For example, 'outside' WRs will be placed on the outside (running deeper routes generally) while 'slot' WRs will be placed in the slot, and 'interior' OL will play the guard and center positions while 'tackles' will play on the outside. Previously this was all assigned automatically, but now you can control where each player should be when they're inserted.

Several team level options have been added as well. Firstly, you can now set when to bring in backups. This means that once up 30, you can have your backup offense automatically sub in, which will give them playing time, and protect your starters from injury (injury chance is now proportional to snap count!). Additionally, each position can mark if players with major injury should be benched, in case you don't want to risk causing a severe injury by playing them.

Finally, I do want to mention that the stamina and substitution system definitely aren't complete yet. I plan to add more options, such as configuring which RB to use on goal line situations, and I also plan to change player promises to be based on snap count instead of games played. That will prevent you from playing a player just one snap to meet their promise; but will come in a later update.

I've also added some new UI and QoL improvements in this update, and done some balance. One worth mentioning is that potential and durability have both been adjusted; previously, they were evenly distributed from 50 to 100. Now, they follow a normal distribution (bell curve), so values will tend to fall in the 70-90 range more often than below 60 or above 90. I feel this is more realistic, and will prevent too many D or below durability recruits from being caught at once.

You can see the full list of changes below.

Improvements / changes


  • Add new stamina substitution system
  • Add new depth chart page
  • Potential and durability now follow a normal distribution, will have less below 60 or above 90
  • Rename 'Training results' stage to 'Offseason gains' to be more accurate


  • Can now sort recruits by each attributes (speed, strength, etc)
  • Can now see initial contact points before targeting recruit

Game sim:

  • There is now an 'End of quarter' for Q1 and Q3 instead of going straight through
  • Adjust interceptions so that DBs can get them more than LBs
  • Teams now call fewer End Arounds and Jet Sweeps
  • Adjust kickoff return balance
  • Slightly buff bubble screens so they are more useful
Bug fixes
  • Adjust RB award score to weigh YPC less if few carries
  • Ensure 'Roster outlook' takes injuries into account
  • Ensure game still loads even when Steamworks initialization fails

Thanks for playing!

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