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DR4X update for 20 March 2023

Difficulty Balancing

Share · View all patches · Build 10808333 · Last edited 20 March 2023 – 04:52:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone, I realize it may seem odd for me to be posting a second changelog within the same weekend. However, I have been working on adjusting the difficulty of "Chapter 1" in the unconventional route and have made some changes to make it easier and less abstract.

-Firstly, I have removed the "To Be Implemented" button from the nodenet office section of the unconventional route (which was just an extra). Instead, it now provides you with important final information before ending, as i do not plan to add more to that section. Additionally, I have made the consequences for completing it properly more severe.

-Secondly, I have made the Mirefield puzzle much easier to solve without cheapening it (hopefully).

-Thirdly, I have improved the Kill minigame by adding color coding, more control information at the top left, and additional dialogue. Also, you won't be able to leave until you have successfully beaten it in the intended way.

-Fourthly, HE now gives you a proper call to action.

-Fifthly, if the worst two nodic incursions happen on the Skirmish mode, it will now reset the game properly.

-Lastly, on The Hunt level, the game will now properly remove any 'glitching' on the tavern when necessary.

Windows DR4X Content Depot 1704831
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Linux DR4X Linux Depot Depot 1704832
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