- Added Relic and Potion compendiums.
- Added Keyboard and Controller inputs and input mapping. (Controller inputs are mappable but still WIP)
- Added Mute In Background audio setting.
- Performance improvements.
- Traps have been reworked. They now only act at the start of the enemy's turn.
- Cards that track combat values should now have correct values when added during combat (such as attacks given from Onslaught potions).
- New corpse art.
- Added Floating Sac to Act 2 (Temp art).
- Added Ziggu fight to Act 2 (Temp art).
- Swamp Golem Thick Skin damage reduction reduced from 50% to 35%.
- Fixed many cases of cards not highlighting their upgraded property.
- Added Neutral cards to card compendium.
- Many small effect and UI improvements.
- Replaced Crashing Leap with Gravity Leap.
- Gravity Leap pulls units into the Dragoon and applies Impact.
- Reduced Firebrand range from 5x5 to 3x3.
- Change of Plan now gives each instance of block separately.
- X Cost cards now play correctly with Jade Chestplate and Gargoyle Statue.
- Calcified Heart removed.
Changed files in this update