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The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time update for 20 March 2023

Spring Update Patch

Share · View all patches · Build 10807056 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:22:30 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone!

We've fixed some smaller bugs, some larger bugs, and improved multiplayer performance and stability a lot. Also, we've added bullet trails and impacts! These are still work in progress, but are there to give you an idea and for us to see how you like them.


  • Improved networking that allows for almost seamless multiplayer now
  • Added bullet trails, impact effects and sound for a lot of bullet types


  • Fixed the game taking too long to load up, often affecting lower-end hardware. This may have prevented some of you from launching into the main menu
  • Lowered the memory footprint of the game. It is now around 3 GB, down from 5 GB (everything is still there, don't worry, just did some compression magic)
  • Fixed a lot of missing materials (the bright pink things you may have seen here and there)
  • Fixed lighting settings being wrong for Retro, meaning that the game runs way better
  • Fixed a lot of other bugs reported by the community (but I can't remember every single one)

We're working on the next update now that will bring enhanced main objectives for every map and more alternative routes, as well as better particles and effects (like the bullet impacts). We'll also add a go-kart racing mode to try out how vehicles would work in the game. If it's appreciated we'll expand on it and see where it takes us.

One of the complaints we often hear is the lack of ambient sounds and music, and this is also being worked on. More music will be added in the next update. More ambient sounds will come a bit later since we're working on good systems for just that, so that it sounds as good as possible.

We're happy to see so many people enjoy the game, and we're glad that you're all patient with each update as we're only two people doing everything. Hopefully we'll be able to push out updates more frequently now that the rendering pipeline and network code has been reworked.

Until next time, stay safe and noot on (and tell your friends to get the game)!

Windows 64-bit The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time Windows Depot 1451481
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macOS 64-bit The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time macOS Depot 1451482
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Linux 64-bit The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time Linux Depot 1451483
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