Update 0.12.14
Modifications to Endless Mode:
We have made significant changes to Endless Mode to improve the gameplay experience. Now, the first six waves will end with a unique boss, and from wave 7, additional bosses will be added until a maximum of ten bosses are on screen at once. As players progress, bosses and enemies in general will become more powerful. From wave 15, an additional 20% boss damage and 20% extra enemy health will be added each wave, gradually increasing difficulty.
In addition, we have added on-screen information indicating which wave the player is on, and enemy buffs will be displayed if there are any.
Bug Fixes:
In this update, we have also addressed several issues reported by the community, including:
Fixed an issue that prevented the in-game options screen from opening or closing properly when pressing the Escape key.
Removed controller vibration when playing with keyboard and mouse.
Fixed an issue that allowed some players to level up beyond the maximum level.
Fixed a crash issue in Sector 8.
Reduced cursor sensitivity in menus to prevent it from moving on its own in some cases.
Fixed an issue related to the cargo ship perk.
Increased the hit box size of low rate of fire weapons.
Fixed the hit box of mini bosses.
We continue to work on an improved tutorial to help new players better understand the game and get the most out of the gameplay elements. We appreciate all the feedback and suggestions from the community and invite you to keep contributing to enhance everyone's experience.
We hope you enjoy this update and continue to enjoy the game.
Thank you all for your support and patience!
Until next time!
Changed files in this update