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Nucleares update for 19 March 2023

Patch notes: V

Share · View all patches · Build 10806388 · Last edited 19 March 2023 – 20:09:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The following fixes have been made:

  • Fixed the visual error when trying to activate the tablet while entering a value on the virtual numeric keyboard.

  • Fixed issue with purchased items not showing as reserved on the map when delivered and under construction.

  • Fixed the bug that prevented the batteries from charging when they had reached 0%.

  • Fixed the error that displayed the message "Are you sure you want to discard x?" after loading a savegame.

  • Made adjustments so that the trash can better recognize when trying to dispose of a spare.

  • The maximum number of batteries that can be stored was corrected.

  • Adjusted repair costs, as they were wrongly high.

  • The description of the element to be repaired when it is a water circulation pump was improved.

  • Changed the available upgrade validation to show the cost even if it is not available.

  • Fixed bug with saving progress, where in certain circumstances, it would not correctly save upgrades for some machines.

The following improvements have been made:

I had planned not to introduce changes or improvements until all the bugs were fixed and the game stabilized, but I'm seeing that there's a lot of confusion with the reactor shutdown protocol, and a lot of complications to understand what's going on.

For this reason, I added a new function in AO, in the request for help section, so that AO can analyze the situation of the reactor, in relation to the shutdown, and report the status: normal and safe cooling speed, slow cooling or possibly impossible cooling, and an explanation of the factors that, if they do not change, produce that situation.

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