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ZONERS update for 19 March 2023

ZONERS v0.25

Share · View all patches · Build 10806196 · Last edited 19 March 2023 – 18:06:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • Fixed numerous bugs that could trigger when trying to do a melee or projectile move during the end lag of a super or hyper move
  • Fixed various issues where ball was snapping to unexpected positions when doing a melee and sometimes not getting hit as intended because of this
  • Fixed a bug with Perfect Parries for a number of characters whose melee attacks hitboxes change over the course of the melee
  • Added a small buffer of 3 frames from releasing a melee where you can still start a dash if you haven't connected with a ball and fixed issue where you couldn't dash straight away when in the buffer and charge phase of a melee
  • Further balanced AI ball clash mashing ability
  • Slightly improved AI's ability to aim at the ball when dashing
  • Increased melee charge time for Bzzt
  • Stopped Gluup's hyper missile from exploding because it's near any goal and now only when time is up or it's near opponent's goal
  • Gluup's hyper missile now starts off at a slower speed and accelerates to it's max
  • Fixed bug that would cause Crabhammer's Super objects to not despawn


  • Fixed bug when going back from P1 vs CPU or CPU vs CPU to P1 vs P2 where the profile selection screen wouldn't display correctly
  • Fixed bug where ball base power was not being saved in custom match templates
  • Fixed bug where loaded custom match templates would show the wrong thing on the ball gravity button if the saved gravity was "OFF"


  • Removed all the HPF and LPF versions of the match songs from the game and reduced the overall size of the game from 310mb to 266mb
Windows Depot 1598031
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