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FutaDomWorld update for 19 March 2023

FutaDomWorld v0.9.3

Share · View all patches · Build 10805618 · Last edited 19 March 2023 – 15:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Changelog v0.9.3

Wallis Part Two:
  • I don't know how many new sex scenes there are. Like...four? Five, if you count that one multiple-participant sex that the player isn't actually in.
  • There are eight endings, not counting ones where you just get shot for being mouthy.
  • There are three "bailout" endings; two Dark Wallis endings, two Light Wallis endings, and, as the ancient VN masters taught us with Tsukihime, there is only one True End.
  • The True End is a little counterintuitive to get to, and for the next few days, we're not giving you any hints.
  • To get it, you need to talk to people other than Wallis.
  • Okay, that was your only hint.
MILF Steals Your Breath Away:
  • New silhouette at the pool.
  • This is actually more repeatable than you'd expect, and several parts of it change with the progression.
Not Cuck?:
  • New silhouette at the City Center.
  • A weirdly wholesome look at a modern Imperial marriage

Personlike notes:

The lead writer for the Wallis path was our friend Gray, who, if you want to reach out to hire her or share kudos, is available at or .

It's been, oh, two actual years since Gray started writing Wallis. The path is about 160,000 words long, which is to say, y'all are reading Gray's debut novel.

Gray, it's been a privilege and a pleasure to work with you on this. It wasn't always easy—(was it, in fact, ever easy?)—but if I may say so,

I'm really proud of you.

You knew the story you wanted to tell, and you tore it free, raw and bloody. Most people who start a book never finish it, and that means their story goes with them to the grave. Yours is birthed into the world—with perhaps some quirks from its communal upbringing—but it's out there now.

You did it.

Congratulations :)

from Sacha Witt

and everyone on the FutaDomWorld team

FutaDomWorld Content Depot 1222751
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