Hello, fellow drivers! We have another update!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the test!
Bus Company
You can now create a company and let AI Bus drivers work for you!
[How to create Bus Company]
Visit NPC at the City hall(East South side of Seo-Gui-Po Downtown)
[Company Tutorial]
- Summon your own bus and park it near the road
- Press 'O' or 'LB + Gamepad Special Left' to open Company UI
- Add Bus
- Assign Bus to a Route
- AI Driver starts to drive (Player must not drive it)
[How to remove AI Driver]
Un-assign route or remove the vehicle from the company
You can summon a vehicle or drive it to override the AI driver
[Running Cost]
Company Vehicle cost money while they are running
You can un-assign the route to stop it
Company Vehicle's condition will be consumed while running, especially with more passengers.
The bus cannot accept more passengers with 0 Conditions, and you need to click the 'Maintenance' button to restore the condition.
AI driver will be stuck, and this will be visible on the Company Vehicle List as 'Stuck'
You can call roadside service at the Company UI.
Sometimes you need to go there and drive it a little bit to resolve issues.
[Bus Route]
The system route is added as the default when you create the company.
You can edit these and add more.
You can talk to passengers at the bus stop to know where they are going. Use it to make an optimal route!
You can import/export bus routes using the clipboard. Share your route with your friends!
You can use the company route when you drive a bus.
(Other players cannot use your company route, yet)
[Bus Passenger]
Now we have 200 residents on the island.
They all have homes and workplaces (or schools).
They need to commute and visit commercial areas from time to time.
They spawn at the nearest bus stop and hop in the bus which goes nearest bus stop of destination or nearest Bus Terminal(Gang-Jung/Jeju/Seong-San/Hallim)
This means they pile up at the Terminal
So, the basic strategy would be having 2 kinds of bus routes, one for Terminal-To-Local-Area, and one for Terminal-To-Terminal
There is a 'Bus Usage' at the Town Effect(in-game menu), meaning how many residents used the bus successfully.
The resident population and bus payments are increased based on Bus usage.
Dumbi, new mid-size bus!
You can buy Dumbi at the Gu-Jwa Heavy Duty shop!
Jeju Downtown Expanded
Betty is refreshed Jeju Downtown.
Pizza, Burger, and Sushi places are also open at the Jeju Downtown
TrackIR is now supported
- Plug in Track IR
- Start TrackIR 5.4 App
- Start Motor Town
- Drive and change camera mode to the cockpit
You can change the rotation angle and move distance at the Game Option
[Bus] Seong-San and Hallim Terminal is added
[Delivery] Fine Sand now gets a demand/supply bonus (Thanks to Grumps)
[Optimize] Improved map streaming frame drops
[UI] You can now sort vehicle lists by vehicle number (Thanks to NorthHopper)
[UI] Cannot scroll and select bus route with controller
[Vehicle] Kuda's side mirror got an additional wide-view mirror
[Vehicle] FL1's windshield size is increased for a better view
[Vehicle] You can now paint SV200, and it has an external bus screen (Thanks to Grumps)
Bug Fixed
[Bus] Bus external screen's destination text animation omits some last characters
[Delivery] Delivery cargo count increased more than output storage (Thanks to Beeps and Grumps)
[Getaway] Getaway job's marker remains after the job is finished (Thanks to root)
[Getaway] Getaway job destination not visible in multiplayer (Thanks to scailman)
[Passengers] Passengers floating in the air (Thanks to majored1)
[Passengers] AI Bus passengers flying around
[Quest] Vehicle/Cargo pickup quest destination has an invalid location (Thanks to Grumps)
[Sound] AI Vehicle's engine starter sound keeps looping randomly
[UI] Trailer has a powered wheel in info UI (Thanks to RoadTrain)
[UI] My vehicle map icon's not removed while driving in multiplayer (Thanks to EricChen)
[UI] Control Panel seat is included in the HUD's seat count (Thanks to morkrost)
[UI] Cannot close bus route selection UI with the Back key
[Vehicle] Towed vehicle's light is synced with towing vehicle (Thanks to Cain)
[Vehicle] Angle kit tune is available to the trailer (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
[Vehicle] World vehicles disappear in single-player after joining multiplayer (Thanks to NorthHopper)
[World] Scooty at the Seo-Gui-Po Pizza place blocking cargo drop zone (Thanks to hitman_2)
Changed files in this update