This update releases factions. Any new player will get the option to choose from Allies or Axis which consist of American or German units. Any existing player will simply be able to hot-swap factions from either the play menu or the units menu. Each faction will have its own set of playable units and campaigns and currency. This updates patch notes are as follows:
-Allies faction has been added alongside 14 units
-Added Axis and Allied Currency System
-Added factions and faction swap button
-Updated US Unit Images
-Added PEN to unit cards when you hover them on your HUD
-Redesigned pause menu look
-Made scroll menus better
-Added freeplay tab, removed freeplay button from the campaign it is now on its own tab
-Added faction swap buttons into campaign and freeplay tabs
-Updated the Pact of Steel Guide and made it available in-game by pressing the Tab key
-Redesigned menu when clicking a unit in the shop to buy
-Changed how unit loadout filtering works
-Made all units factions visible by default
-Several slight and very minor visual changes to some menus
-Escape key now closes every in-game menu
-The escape menu gets hidden when going into options to prevent leaving the game by accident
-Resolutions are no longer black text on a black box
-Replaced old key bind system with UE5 enhanced input action system
-Vsync now works
-Made early Desert waves 7,8,9 much easier
-Fixed towers displaying improper range while moving
-Towers are no longer blocked by their own hitbox allowing for very small movement readjustments
-Fixed forest wave 12 spawning a German officer instead of an American one in the German campaign
Changed files in this update