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My Home/Zombie Center update for 18 March 2023

Beta 1.3.3

Share · View all patches · Build 10802567 · Last edited 18 March 2023 – 18:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue where the player character wouldn't stumble or take damage from a fat zombie's tackle while crouching.
-Fixed an issue where dying while crouching would cause the player character to remain in a crouched position.
-Fixed an issue where equipping a plant Pot or toilet during a kick motion would cause the player character to T-pose.
-Fixed an issue where fat zombies would retain their flag for tackling even after slowing down.
-Fixed an issue where picking up a weapon while stumbling would cause the player character to retain their movement speed as no-equipping.
-Fixed an issue where the player character could climb on the flower vase next to the sofa.
Improved an issue where attacks would occasionally pass through enemies without registering damage.
-Fixed an issue where normal zombies wouldn't face the player character in close proximity.

-Decreased the bite damage dealt by normal zombies.

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