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Caves of Lore update for 18 March 2023

Controller support progress, some other changes

Share · View all patches · Build 10802158 · Last edited 18 March 2023 – 15:09:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Controller support is very nearly done, minus tutorials. I've decided to release what I have to the public. If you are so inclined, on the Steam Deck you can set your device to use "Gamepad /w Mouse Trackpad". I will detail some controls at the bottom of this note.
Note: This is not an official release for Steam Deck/Controller, yet

Reading books or talking to people about moons can unlock a keyword that will allow give you moon options when resting.
Spell level caps were added based on LOTS of feedback (will not undo any progress past those caps). These are still quite high, and powerful.

Controller controls:

Moving: Left joystick
Moving through menus: Left joystick and DPad
Confirm: A
Cancel: B
Interacting: X in the direction you are facing.
Interacting /w multiples: Left trigger brings up a menu that can be moved through with the right joystick, and X to confirm
Settings: Start
Map: Select
In Map:
X to prepare to drop waypoint.
A to follow waypoint
Zoom (coming soon)
Inventory: Y
Swap characters: Hold Y and move up or down with joystick or trackpad.
Change selected character: Hold X and move up or down with joystick or dpad.
Change menus in Inventory: Hold X and move up or down with joystick or dpad, or L/R Triggers
Equip/Unequip Selected: Y
Page flips / up / down / left / right: Right and left tabs
Take (inventory, chest): X
Top options, such as Stealth, Map, Action, or Quick Slots in combat:
Hold Left or Right tab buttons and use joysticks to select option

To Drag an item, or to hold and release for movement or spells in combat, Hold down A.

I may have forgotten some, but this will allow you to interact with most things.

Windows English Depot 2227131
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