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Super Dungeon Maker update for 20 March 2023

Big chest - big keys

Share · View all patches · Build 10799354 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Welcome Finkunity,

it´s time for our Monday update!
Let´s get directly started with.......

What's new?
  • Added the big chest - To open it you need the big key.

Why exactly a big chest? You see, we created a Top 10 Wishes from the community some time ago. One of those wishes was to create a big chest + big key, which perfectly fit into the current workflow. I know you want to know what will happen with the other wishes. We are testing step by step what is possible for us to implement and therefore one by one we´ll try our best to fulfill your feedback.

What's changed?
  • Added filtering for incompatible online dungeons (i.e. dungeons that were created with a newer version of the game) - For Hot/Top/New dungeons they will be filtered out, for dungeon search they will be displayed as being incompatible.
  • Fixed an issue where users couldn't play online dungeons.
  • Cracked walls now correctly show (or rather don't show) on the map.
  • Golden Egg is now visible on the map again.
  • Added missing translated texts in various places.

Thank you all for your support, feedback and trust! 93% positive Reviews is AMAZING! Please keep up the great feedback and don´t stop giving us Reviews! That helps us so much to improve! 💙

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Your team @rokaplay and FIRECHICK

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