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SAELIG update for 17 March 2023

Update 40 - More cats please

Share · View all patches · Build 10799017 · Last edited 17 March 2023 – 22:59:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello all,

Welcome to Update 40!

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where some skills would not increase.
  • Corrected some issues will mild illnesses when playing on the longer day settings.
  • You will no longer get stuck after leaving a fishing boat.
  • Horses will no longer walk underwater.
  • Fixed a bug with lumber camps and mines where they would randomly restart their productions.
  • You will no longer keep receiving firewood if you walk away while chopping wood at a wood block.
  • Fixed a couple automation bugs, including bone charms not being sent to sheds and trading posts.
  • Fixed a bug where the player was not able to visit the herbalist when they are seeing patients.


  • Sheds no longer count towards business competition.
  • Fixed some freezes and issues when opening the hiring menu.
  • Moved the building 'favourite' button to the building info portrait, rather than being on the building icon.
  • You can no longer hire the town reeve or abbot once they leave your service.
  • You can now interrupt and talk to your family members that are doing chores.
  • You can now only change business hours and wages before work starts.
  • Removed the fence upgrade from huts to allow for more compact hut placement.
  • Balanced some building prices.
  • Added some new colours to inventory icon fonts.


  • Pets! You can now have up to five pets that will follow you, can be fed, and can be petted. Available pets are foxes, chickens, and cats (more to come), and they are obtained through random events.
  • Removed the "Rodent Catcher" upgrade from buildings and replaced it with a cat related event.
  • WARNING Pets also have lifespans and will die.
  • New trees and textures
  • Caravans are now a bit more dynamic and requested items will change over time.
  • New props around towns to make them more lively and lived in.
  • New tasks that the AI can carry out during their day-to-day lives.
  • Storefronts are now included as options in automation.
  • New LOD system for buildings. This may improve performance on some systems.

Hope you have fun!

Me and a few others did a bunch of testing, but from a testing point of view the game is very vast and dynamic. So it's hard to nail down everything. Please do let me know if you have any issues.


Windows 64-bit SAELIG Windows Public Depot 612721
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