Content: Lord William now has a Crown
Content: A new Helmet is added to the game
Content: A new Shield is added to one of the Gladiators
Content: A new type of Troll has been added which can Dodge frontal Attacks
Rework: Some UI elements have been updated
Rework: The Wishing well has a new model with a proper hole in the ground, Landsape now supports holes
Rework: It was too dark inside the wishing well
Rework: Quest tracking, quest object tracking and objective markers have been updated to be more helpful
Rework: Player Bow handling has been reworked to use anim montages and a new upper body slot has been introduced
Rework: Black key has a red glow now
Rework: Guard Shields now have a new design
Rework: Changed player animations to make weapons less intrusive while walking and running
Rework: Improved parry animation for the Player
Rework: Crouch and Uncrouch now have a smooth animation to make it feel more realistic
Change: Enemies now have hidden Attributes like Strength and Agility the same way as the player which affects their Damage
Change: Code refactor of Projectiles
Change: Some NPC animations are tweaked to be a little less clunky
Change: NPC and Monster animations are tweaked to make them attack and recover faster
Change: Trolls are a little faster now to make them more challenging
Change: NPCs are walking a little slower now, but can run much faster
Change: NPCs with Shields can Parry Arrows now
Change: Loot distribution in Chests is changed
Change: Most Guards have shields now
Change: NPCs are now able to use Shields
Change: Bandits and Guards are now able to Block attacks thus making them stronger
Change: Endurance now can be increased by doing squats
Change: The effects of farts reach distant targets later
Change: Lowered starting attributes for every class since the game is way more fun when the player is weak in the beginning
Change: Added option to set FOV
Change: Player's HitBox has been adjusted to fit the player mesh better
Fix: William's quest is broken in some cases if the player does stuff out of order
Fix: Poison damage from melee weapons does not apply on enemies
Fix: Hungarian localisation issues ("Strength")
Fix: Collision gap around the wishing well
Fix: Quest markers to return to quest giver appear sometimes even if the player completes objectives for a non-active quest
Fix: Ethan is unreasonably impressed by toilets
Fix: Using bows increases Strength
Fix: Sitting NPCs are rotating around while the player is trying to speak to them
Fix: Taverns song was interrupted mid song every time due to animation restarts
Fix: Tavern song attenuation radius is too large
Fix: The dialog with Lilith gets interrupted by Hellspawns
Fix: Objectives don't update on HUD when quest items are picked up
Fix: Zoom to Character does not work in the Character Selection Screen
Fix: Quest objectives don't go to Completed state if they're already completed upon receiving the quest
Fix: The Shield remains in the Player's hand when they're equipping a two-handed weapon while having a full inventory
Fix: The Wishing well has a collision issue
Fix: Player Punch sound is wrong
Fix: Red Mushroom NormalMap is wrong
Fix: Can't pick up the fish from the cat bowls
Fix: Using Escape in the Main Menu will result in corrupted menus
Fix: The Font used when interacting with objects is unreadable
Fix: There are no footstep sounds while the player is drawing a bow
Fix: Player death animation was not playing when the player died while drawing a bow
Fix: Bandit Knight's armor has missing faces
Fix: The Jump animation looks bad, if the Player has a Shield equipped
Fix: Shield and Weapon Static Meshes are duplicated on Player
Fix: Hellspawns and the Daemon are extremely broken
Fix: Goblin footstep sounds were missing
Fix: Poisoned arrows don't cause poison damage after a reload if they were poisoned while being equipped
Fix: Players were not be able to parry arrows properly
Fix: Some Wooden surfaces reacted as Metal
Fix: NPCs were not able to attack the Player if they were off screen (VisibilityBasedAnimTickOption)
Fix: Bandit Archers stood frozen sometimes (Montage issue)
Fix: Arrows were invisible for a while when NPCs pulled them out from their quiver
Fix: Above Level 50, Farts can be spammed and players are levelling up too fast
Fix: Typo in one of the character descriptions
Fix: Some tavern wooden beams were not touching the ground
Fix: Evil Dungeon Collision issues
Lilium update for 17 March 2023
Lilium 0.9 Update 2 - Combat
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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Depot 1926181
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