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What's a PTR?
PTR stands for the public test realm. Which is another version of the game, a sort of public beta realm for players who want to help test new features.
How do I join PTR?
Right click Tiny Rogues in your Steam Library and select "Properties". Then select "Betas" and chose the _public-test-realm _in the drop-down menu.
Patch Notes
These patch notes will be a bit short and rough because I want to go into the weekend now but I also don't want to let down the community and finally start testing on this new patch!
This patch is also one of the most untested patches we have had yet. So beware!
General Changes
As a lot of game code has been refactored, the quick Restart button should now work again.
New Health Bar HUD
- Shows health values between 1/2 heart and full heart.
- Shows Evade and Block on the bar.
New HUD element: Lethal Bar. Shows when you are on lethal and gives you information about Death Defies and Revives.
Health items have been reworked. Health is now saved on the item, similar to how armor items worked before.
New Save System: Makes backups and allows selecting a save slot. The new save system tries to convert as much of your old save state as possible to the new save state type. This conversion process happens upon first starting the game.
After the introduction of the Pawn Shop in the last updates, Gold has been a bit too readily available. The sell values of items have been reduced slightly, making it a bit less desirable to sell each and every Common and Uncommon item you find.
Prices at Soul Shops have been reduced greatly.
I tried to make it so that Soul Shops have a blue sign instead of the default shop sign. Since I did that change I have not encountered this sign yet, so it might not have worked. (Don't ask me why.) But it would be nice to know if it did work.
Dark damage type is now associated with the Corruption status effect. Corruption increases damage taken by 1% but can only be inflicted once per second.
Heart Containers are more common as boss room reward.
In the past some proccs that would deal damage (usually lightning strike or chain lightnings) would sometimes scale with player level and sometimes not. I've tried to improve consistency and I am pretty sure that every procc in the game now scales with player level. This makes some proccs just more viable late game.
Class Changes
For the purpose of testing, the new classes are immediately unlocked on the PTR but later on they will have to be unlocked by completing some objective.
- New class: Bard
- New class: Mystic
- New class: Soldier
- New class: Wizard
Combat Changes
- Repair Powder cannot be used during combat anymore. (Lore reason, using Repair Powder is a careful process of applying the powder to broken pieces of equipment. You don't have the time to do that during combat.
Also stacking repair powder is overpowered.) - Enemies now have a new stat: Defense. Defense reduces damage taken.
- Right now there is no way to really find out which enemies have more defense. You can maybe infer it a little bit from the enemy type, e.g.: Crabs have a lot of defense.
Some enemies have gotten slightly tankier but in general all defense additions have been compensated for by nerfing health value of the enemy. - Minimum value of Defense is 0 and can't go below 0.
- Maximum value of Defense is 75 (reduces damage by 75%) and can't go above 75.
- New stat: Defense Penetration, allows you to ignore part of enemies defense.
- The "Defense Break" status effect now actually halves enemy defense.
- The enemy enchantments that grant damage reduction will now grant the enemy defense instead. So you can counteract these mechanics better by using Defense Break or Defense Penetration.
- Airstrike Enchanted frequency nerfed.
- Arcane Enchanted now has an initial delay before spawning beams.
- Proximity Defense Enchanted uptime nerfed.
Health, Poison and Healing Changes
- You now have a Health Flask. By default hold V to drink a Health Flask.
- Health Fountains now fill all your Health Flasks, recover all your health and cure Poison status.
- The Regeneration Blessing has been reworked to grant an additional Health Flask.
- Poison now lasts longer but doesn't damage you anymore. Instead it halves the effect of your Health Flask.
- Antidote Potion is not a potion anymore, it is now just "Antidote".
- Health Potions have been removed from the game.
- Price for healing from the Nurse has been increased from 5G to 10G. (To compensate for more healing being available through the flask.)
Equipment Changes
- I refactored in the game code how equipment effects work. While doing this some equipment effects also changed. If I remember correctly this includes changes to the 3 Hoodie body armors. Some item rarities have also been shifted around.
Please tell me if you find any equipment items that seemingly have no effect, I might have forgotten to update the item. - Tried to fix the effect of Chance's Avarice as it was quite buggy before.
- Added some new equipment items for each of the new classes.
- The Amazon Bracelet and the Gladiator Helmet now grant Defense Penetration instead.
- Buffed: Elusive Boots, Goliath Greaves, Lightning Boots
Weapon Changes
- Added 2 new polarms: Bardiche and Partizan
- Added 1 new staff: Oak Staff (Wizard Starter)
- Added 1 new 1h sword: Estoc (Mystic Starter)
- Harp is now a 2h instrument, previously 1H wand.
- Added 1 new 2h instrument: Fey Lute (Bard Starter)
- Archon Scepter got a new effect.
- Mana Scepter got a new effect.
- All Polearms now inflict Defense Break.
- Many Dark damage type weapons now inflict Corruption.
- Kugelblitz Wand and Frozen Orb Wand have been nerfed.
- Flails now start with a base amount of defense penetration. (likely that this gets changed but let's see how it works out)
- Buffed: Bone Wand, Tornado Wand, Meteor Scroll, Disintegration Scepter, Spirit Wand, Moonshine Greatsword, Stormbreaker, Naginata, Shadowsneak Dagger
Known Bugs:
- The offhand starter item of the Mystic is currently bugged and doesn't work.
Changes not in this patch yet:
- Tavern rerolling is not fixed yet.
- Boozer / Tipsiness rework is not implemented yet.
- Curse changes are not in yet.
- No changes to cinder yet.
- It is planned that all classes other than Doppelganger will now be labeled as basic classes. I have not updated the achievements yet to consider this.
- Upcoming new starter gifts are not in yet.
- Character panel improvements and additions are not in yet.
- Keeping a close eye on Cleric passive as it might be a bit useless with the Health Flask now.
- Dice rework is not in yet. Basically I plan on combining all dice effects into 1 type of dice to enable a more deterministic style of building your character.
- There are some work in progress improvements to Gamepad controls.
- I am looking to split CRT options into 2 sliders.
- There is no option yet to turn off the Lethal Bar.
- If I have time I want to add new events to Floor 10 in next patch.
Like I said, this is a rough overview. In the past few months a lot of background systems and stuff has changed.
Tell me about how the new save system is working, how you are enjoying the new classes, if every trait and equipment works as intended.
Best place to give feedback and report bugs is always on the Discord:
- ptr-bug-reports
- ptr-feedback
Changed depots in public-test-realm branch