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ISEKAI FRONTLINE update for 17 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10797096 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

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-Fixed an output error that caused characters to disappear in some languages.
-Fixed a bug where the select button would not be pressed on level up rewards
-Fixed a bug where the initial boss point was 4 points instead of 2 points
-Fixed a bug where Minami Dead #3 would not be selected in Barracks
-Fixed a bug where some buttons would not activate in the jail cell
-Fixed an issue where the sound of the bomb crate could not be adjusted
-Fixed a bug where the Kiko stage camera shakes persistently

-Localization issues
I think the biggest challenge is the language.
Translation is a time-consuming process, so it won't be possible to solve it right away.
However, we've had a number of translators reach out to us, and we're trying to figure out how to address localization issues as quickly as possible.
We'll be making a specific announcement about translations in the next week or so.

We've been blown away by how many people have purchased our game over the past day.
In the short time we've had, we've heard a lot of different opinions
and we learned a lot about our game's shortcomings.
We will try to make a better game.
Thank you for buying our game.

Finally, thank you for purchasing our game.
Have a great day.

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