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Space Mercenary Defense Force update for 17 March 2023

Combat Encounters - v0.7.1

Share · View all patches · Build 10796832 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update brings a new COMBAT category of encounters with 3 new specialised tasks to overcome. Although combat encounters can be more directly challenging, summoning additional enemies to fight, they will drop bonus exp once defeated. This means that alongside the standard encounter rewards, combat encounters can provide a worthwhile payout as a trade-off for their challenge.

Combat encounters are added to the pool with the conduit and drop pod encounters so the types you get each run are completely random.

Combat encounters

Combat encounters focus on defeating an incoming enemy challenge to the complete the objective.

  • Defeat the wave on incoming invaders
    The enemies chosen for the wave are taken from the current pool of enemies, meaning later in the game you will get tougher enemy types.

  • Defeat the empowered invaders
    Fight 2 NEW empowered enemies out of the 3 that have been added: Empowered Ship-Charger, Empowered Robo-Bomber, Empowered Triple Eye-Shooter

  • Defeat the Miniboss invader
    There are 3 all-new miniboss enemies that can be chosen for the fight. Unlike regular bosses, the camera will not lock you in, allowing for full map traversal. But, stay on high alert because these enemies have high mobility and cannot be avoided so easily!

Just like the previous encounters, once you approach the encounter location, it's visual design will indicate which encounter it belongs to but the objective will only be revealed once you fly over and activate it. Once a combat encounter starts, the enemies must be defeated!

Steam Spring Sale

The Steam Spring sale is now on which means Space Mercenary Defense Force is also on sale at -10% off for a week!

Fixes & Changes

  • Made the minimap camera outline appear on top of everything else in the minimap
  • Added glow indicator around encounter parts, escort ships, and delivery locations on the minimap for visual clarity
  • Fixed encounter upgrade choice when all available upgrades are taken to now choose a random final upgrade
Windows Depot 2220321
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