St. Patrick's Cosmetics
Hey everyone, to celebrate St. Patrick's day, we've included 4 new cosmetics;
- St. Patrick's Hat
- St. Patrick's Clothing
- St. Patrick's Beard
- Shamrock Glowstick
All items will be available for the next 3 days. They will appear 50% of the time whenever a non-hardcore cosmetic spawns (so blue seal maps and regular maps at 15%). If you're struggling to find any, make sure to hop on our discord where players are sharing them Valko Game Studios Discord
The cosmetics will stop spawning on all cases started after midnight UTC on the 20th of March.
Happy Hunting!
- Fixed some cloth meshes in the mines
- Added a hiding spot near the puzzle in the mines
- Fixed some navigation issues in chapter 6
- Fixed a bug with the "ghost whisper" screen overlay
- Added 4 st patricks day event items
Changed files in this update