Hey! It definitely has been a while since the last content update. And now I'm here to introduce you new major changes that arrive along with the today's update. Let's go!
"Part I"..? Yes, this update will be split in two parts. The current one brings a lot of Quality Of Life features, model revamps, stability fixes and some overall changes. Stay tuned for future announces regarding the second part.
By the way, don't forget that out community has a Discord server where you can share your thoughts about the game, suggest changes or simply talk with a developer. You're always welcome here! (image is the link)
Item Inspect
You can now inspect an item in your hands in order to get a short description on it as well as rotate it around. Your character can give a useful tip regarding some of the items so don't miss the chance!
New Character Models & Animations
Today's update brings new character models. The newer models has a better bones system so some of the animations will perform smoother.
You can now see how your partner holds a flashlight and looks around (head movement is now synced across all clients). This also fixes a problem when you couldn't see how your buddy moves his head while spectating.
New Ghost Kill Animation
When you get caught by the entity, a new death animation will appear. "It" now appears in front of you to finish you off.
Tutorial Scene
A new tutorial scene will show up upon first entering. it will teach you some basics like how to interact with environment and use devices like phones etc.
Updated Items Models
Some 3D models got a remodel to fit the current graphics level. Also almost every model has gotten improved textures for a proper lightning reflections.
Map Changes
I've added some new interior/exterior changes that will mostly help you to navigate yourself. New lamps, street lights and new decorations.
Here are some of few examples:
Updates User Interface
The Revamped UI system will help to keep focus on the center of the screen. There are no more buttons in the corners. Happy Widescreen monitor user noises
The work on the UI system is not done yet, so expect new changes in the second part of the Update.
Lights On Brown's House
Unlike the second map, the light switchers on Browns' House were inactive. Now, you can turn on room lights.
Updated Controls
New keyboard buttons were assigned for binds like switching flashlight, using device etc to make it more user friendly. I'm working on a customized binds so in the future expect changes.
Adjusted Pause Menu
Some tweaks were made to pause menu. Lot of players did accidentally leave due to bad UI UX. There is now a confirmation window upon exit. And overall the interface is bigger and more clean.
The Upcoming New Map Details
The work on a new map is ongoing. I will share the progress a bit later as well as planned release date. So watch for the announcements!
Changed files in this update