What's up Trappers! It has been a long and bumpy ride but finally the newest update to Trapper: Drug Dealing RPG has Arrived! With this update I have corrected a lot of the issues from the previous builds battle system and did some optimization as well. Now it should not be as hard to reach the target number and I have completely removed any possibility for the dreaded black screen of death to pop up during battle! I completely revamped the girlfriends and distributors system of the game giving them a new lease on life. I added 7 new potential girlfriends and distributors have a leveling system the allows them to sell 2 different types of drugs once they reach level 4. I have added several new businesses to the game that allow you to micromanage them to your hearts content. You have the option to put a stash house or even a sweatshop in the backroom of most of them to really increase profits! New houses have been added as well. They can be manipulated in a similar manner as the businesses, but you also have the option to turn them into a crack house as well. Having option is a great thing with the new raid and robbery system you will need to move your illicit activities as local heat raises to stay clear of the police and stickup kids! The Gunner and Ninja archetypes have received new abilities that alter the game loop in an enormous way! Now as the Gunner you can seek out victims to rob for some quick cash and jewelry that you can sell at the local pawnshop. The Ninja also has a similar ability, except he can canvas neighborhood on his own for B&E opportunities, instead of just waiting for them to fall in his lap. The UI has gotten an upgrade allowing you to navigate through the game with ease and the buttons are now located in similar places on each screen if they are available. There is so much packed into this update I struggle to recall everything in it. Warning this update has massive changes to the foundation of the game and it is very like you may need to restart your playthrough. I hate to cause you guys such inconvenience but it's a small price to pay for the continued growth of Trapper!
Trapper: Drug Dealing RPG update for 17 March 2023
Battle Mode UI Update 6.2
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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