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Marvel's Midnight Suns update for 21 March 2023

Morbius Arrives in Marvel's Midnight Suns!

Share · View all patches · Build 10794521 · Last edited 21 March 2023 – 16:06:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Morbius slinks into the Abbey as a brand new playable character in Marvel’s Midnight Suns! Available as the third of four releases in the Season Pass, Morbius comes with 11 new Hero Abilities, the Laboratory upgrade, new Hero Skins and Abbey Outfits, and plenty of exciting new team synergies to discover.

Slaking Morbius’ bloodlust in his new story missions won’t come easy—the vampyre outbreak that began with Deadpool and Venom was just the beginning. Now Hydra is infusing undead DNA into its toughest troops to create a squadron of transformed supersoldiers. Morbius hoped to reverse-engineer their traits to create a serum that would let him withstand sunlight—but in the wrong hands, his research could make all of vampyre-kind unstoppable.

But Morbius brings far more to the Abbey than mad science and bloodlust. Get to know the disgraced genius, learn about his checkered past with Blade and Ghost Rider, and net passive bonuses that will make Morbius stronger than ever. And if you’re not chatting by the soda bar or catching a late late movie with Morbius, you can use his Laboratory Abbey Upgrade to tinker with your team’s hero stats. But take it from Morbius—every gift comes with a price.

Team up with Morbius, quell the growing vampyre threat, and take on a supercharged Hydra in The Hunger, the third release of the Marvel's Midnight Suns Season Pass.

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