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Guardians Frontline update for 17 March 2023

Patch 1.0.1 is here!

Share · View all patches · Build 10794249 · Last edited 17 March 2023 – 14:11:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

First all, a big THANK YOU for the wonderful reception and the massive engagement we have seen since Guardians Frontline launched on March 9! This was just the start for us, as we will continue to support the game with updates and content for a long time.

First out is a patch with lots of general improvements and fixes, below is the full list. If you want to connect directly with us and other fellow Guardians, join our Discord!


New stuff

  • Key locked Doors! Map makers can now configure doors so they only open with keys that can spawn anywhere in the level. Any key will open any door.
  • The host can now kick any player out of the session from the scoreboard menu. While we don't like this feature, we believe it is a necessary evil. Please don't abuse it.
  • Added a "Top rated" section to the PvP community maps browser

Weapon Improvements

  • The AK5 now has the magazine slot in front of the trigger to make it easier to manually reload it.
  • We also increased the snapping distance of the lever so it's easier to grab.
  • Modified the orientation of the AK2 Magazine to make it easier to manually reload.
  • Added custom hand poses for each magazine and visible bullets.
  • Renamed the existing setting that moves the Eject button to A instead of B (now "Eject clip with"), and grouped all weapon settings under Gameplay (spaceship)
  • Added a new setting to disable trigger grabbing of the front of 2 handed guns. This setting will also disable grabbing the magazine with grip and the slide with grip.
  • Grenades now have the pin always faced towards the opposite hand.

Smooth Turning improvements

  • Fixed smooth turn and snap turn not working sometimes due to the dead zone around teleport in the joystick.
  • Added smooth turn speed to the contextual menu settings

Join screen improvements

  • Fixed when adding a password to a game it takes about 5-6 attempts to make it into the game.
  • Fixed rows flashing when changing pages.
  • Fixed some rows were hidden when there were active battles.
  • Fixed after downloading a map the game would not automatically join the game sometimes.
  • Added a filter by player name. We will add more filters in the upcoming update.

STEAM Improvements

  • Fixed the scope changing the zoom level when turning (Index)
  • Added several features to improve the weapon handling on Index.

Survival fixes

  • Fixed players getting stuck on the loading screen when joining a survival game after stage 1 breaking the game for everyone.
  • Fixed not being able to revive players sometimes.
  • Added a new voice over that explains how this game mode works.

PvP Balance

  • Increased the player HP in PvP games from 100 to 150 points.
  • Increased the base HP in PvP games from 500 to 1000 points.

Other Improvements

  • The small jump now automatically fires when the jetpack is disabled and the player tries to jump (e.g. in survival maps).
  • Improved the dragon's hit and movement animations on multiplayer games.
  • Removed permanent grip from the initial options.
  • Improved the interpolation of enemies launched by the gravity gun on clients.
  • Improved the navmesh generation speed on community maps.
  • The game now notifies who is the new host after the current one leaves
  • Reduced the light intensity of the double damage effect


  • Fixed the voice coms glitching in the loading screen sometimes. The game would get stuck in a loop repeating the same audio over and over again.
  • Fixed not being able to manually reload the AK6 sometimes.
  • Fixed changing from right-handed to left handed in the UI would glitch the right hand trigger until you reloaded the level.
  • Fixed being able to play coop maps with more than 4 players when coming from a PvP session
  • Fixed performance issues when navigating the galaxy conquest UI
  • Fixed when selecting an official planet in the galaxy, clicking on
  • Fixed Mech handles and manual canon handles not working after opening the contextual menu
  • Fixed several rocks in Frozen Lake not having colliders
  • Fixed several colliders in Snow Rescue
  • Fixed several colliders in Snow Caves
  • Fixed enemies sometimes not attacking the turrets
  • Fixed the tank in siege mode aiming down sometimes
  • Fixed the spaceship exterior not being visible

Keep protecting the Federation, see you on the battlefield!

Guardians Content Depot 1481441
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