This update adds some wonderful new portraits for infantry and cavalry units by cjprince, but if you prefer the classic ones, you can select this in the Options menu. Also new is a set of modding tools by Vanadandr. Also a number of improvements and fixes! As always, please report bugs or crashes on the Steam discussion board or on the Discord.
1.2.22 Changelog
ADD: Set of modding tools to examine how units and portraits are used in different mods (thanks Vanagandr!)
ADD: New nation-specific infantry and cavalry unit portraits by cjprince; use of these portraits can be disabled in the game options
ADD: Full functionality for View Mode when using gamepad input
ADD: Rear MG (RMG) definition for units, this is for fixed, rear-facing MGs (thanks Vanagandr!)
CNG: Rain to-hit or to-effect penalty not longer applied if Fog is also in effect
CNG: Purple Hearts and Wound Badges now only awarded for injuries that send the crewman to the field hospital (otherwise it was just a scratch!)
FIX: T-35 definitions improved (thanks Vanagandr!)
FIX: Display of large numbers of awarded decorations will no longer overflow the screen
FIX: Air and artillery attacks that occurred during a scenario will no longer try and target units outside of the visible scenario map
FIX: Minor fixes to improve legibility of text on Steam Deck, improving tutorial slide text, replacing keyboard control prompts in controller mode
FIX: Friendly rescue units will no longer withdraw from the battlefield
Changed files in this update