It's finally here! I’m sorry for the delay in getting this out, I was hoping to have it ready by last weekend! Although there's so much to get into here, having the extra time to pass through Beta was a good thing. It does also mean that it coincides with...
Steam Sale!
That's right -- it's been some time since Vault of the Void has been on sale, and right now it's currently at 25% off! That's the deepest discount in Vault history -- a great time to jump in now if you’ve been holding off!
Reviews -- 2,000 Community Award?
A HUGE thank you as always for everyone who has taken the time over the last month to leave a review -- means a lot! Someone also mentioned the idea of a 2,000 Review milestone in game, like the good old days! For those of you who are new, back early in development I would release a fun cosmetic reward at different Review milestones, as a way to say thank you for all the support (like the cardback featured below)!
I’d love to do something for 2,000, it could be another card back, although I do have some ideas for a fun Alternative Artwork pack as well! I’ll get to work here and release more details as we approach this amazing milestone!
Russian Language Beta
This has been in the works for a while now, and I’m finally able to announce the long awaited addition of Russian locale to Vault of the Void! A massive shout out to the volunteer team behind this, driven mostly by Lex! Just as an aside, this is still technically a “Beta” for this language support, so anything you notice please leave a comment either here or on the Locale thread in the Forums!
Discord Bot and Compendium Website
Another amazing community contribution I’d love to highlight here, is the work done by Girlphobia in the Discord. They’ve recently assisted and taken over the reins when it comes to data exports, for use on the Discord bot and also a brand new Compendium website which will be launching soon! Among a slew of other things (like helping fix a lot of website issues!), the upgrade to the Discord bot alone is amazing. No longer is the Discord Bot known as an out-of-date-meme, it now has search functionality, images for all artifacts and cards as well as up to date information. Another HUGE thank you Girlphobia for your amazing work!
Challenge Coins
I know there were a few people a little disappointed that no new Challenge Coins made it into the last patch. I’ve done my best to make up for things here -- 4 NEW Challenge Coins are ready to go! A few of these actually dabble in something not tried before with coins; forced cards! These forced cards are added on top of your deck limit, and can’t be removed at all. They can however be upgraded and stoned as usual. Would love to hear feedback on these as you get a chance to enjoy them!
Again, as always, a big thanks to the community for suggestions for these Challenge Coins, and to Dabor for putting the details together.
Also, here is a fun little screenshot of Zero handling the first iteration of the Null the Void coin. Whilst doable, we did decide to scale the HP back a little... (yes, that is 139,725 max HP)
Into the Storm
Okay -- time for what you’ve all been waiting for!
For those of you who have been watching Breakshift's streams, you may have already had a sneaky preview into what's to come for Tempest. A full pass over all her cards and artifacts, 15 new Artifacts and 9 new cards!
In terms of balance, Tempest win rates were tied with the Hidden for the best in the game right now. With a lot of the changes made, as you will see, we don’t expect that to shift too much. There were a few small bits of tinkering here and there, some shifts to starting Zeals and some starting cards to encourage changing them up a bit more, but overall there were more buffs than nerfs. A lot of the edge was taken off some of the raw value generators that existed in the Zeal tree, and then overall just taking a little off some of the outliers and trying to make some of the sad cards a bit more appealing. Overall however, Tempest was in a place we were happy with overall -- and hope to continue seeing her there.
I’ll leave things here with a full list of all changes now. I hope you really enjoy this patch, and I’ll be back again soon with the Enlightened’s turn!
Massive thanks to the Internal testing team, and all the volunteer translators who continue to do such amazing work -- I couldn’t do any of this without you all! You are all so amazing and I'm forever thankful!!
All for now!
- Josh
- Something Extra: -1 cost pre and post upgrade
- Hidden Mastery: Replaced For The Throat with Plan B, making Slick Strike feel 57% less lonely.
- Potion of Sourcery: Added "Gain 1 class-specific potion after you win your next battle."
- For the Throat and Underhanded Tactics can no longer appear outside of starter decks.
- Purple Juice: Just made the upgrades unconditional - simply get a bonus upgrade after ALL fights. Considering how often this is gotten via Dark Idol this helps not just be instantly stuck in a death spiral on acquiring it.
- Wizard Hat: Increase Overcharge at 0 energy to 2.
Artifact Changes
- Leaky Wires: The EVEN effect becomes "Shock 2 and Weak 2" instead of just Weak 2. The ODD effect becomes "Overcharge 1 and apply Vulnerable 2 instead."
- Doomsday Pamphlet: Increased Zeal from 1 to 2
- Dynamo: Added "and Draw and Discard 1" on top of the exist Overcharge 1 when playing a buff.
- Hymn Book: Added "and Delay Block 3."
New Artifacts
- To-do List: New Common Artifact: At the end of the turn, Delay Rage 25% for each untriggered Zeal. If you had 12 or more Zeal, Overcharge 1.
- Blessed Whetstone: New Common Artifact: Your first Heavy Attack card each battle also applies Weak 2, Vulnerable 2 and Slow 2.
- Improvised Helmet: New Common Artifact: Each time you Purge a card that costs 3 or more, Block 2.
- Electric Bagpipes: New Uncommon Artifact: At the start of your turn you'll gain +1 additional Energy. Your 3rd card each turn costs 1 more.
- Insulator: New Uncommon Artifact: The first time each turn you apply Shock, Block 4.
- Funeral Pyre: New Uncommon Artifact: Each time you kill an enemy, Zeal 7.
- Celestial Chimes: New Uncommon Artifact: Each time you trigger a Zeal power, gain a charge. When you draw an unstoned card, spend 5 charges to add a Yellow Void Stone to it. Max 10 charges.
- Holiest Offering: New Elite Artifact: The first time each turn you reach Zeal 6, gain 1 Energy.
- BOOM-erang: New Elite Artifact: Your first non-Volatile Attack card played each turn that triggers Shock each turn will Rebound.
- Guardian Dove: New Elite Artifact: Each time you cast your spell, add an upgraded Intervention to hand.
- Glorious Banquet: New Elite Artifact: At the start of your first turn, Zeal 10.
- Expired Coupon: New Elite Artifact: Each time you play a card with a modified cost, Overcharge 1.
- Canonizer: New Rare Artifact: The first time each turn you play a card that costs 3 or more, Delay Rage 25% for each Energy spent.
- Defibrillator: New Rare Artifact: The first time each turn you hit 0 Energy, next card costs 2 less. (Medical Note: Seriously though, please do NOT shock flatlines. Or Shock them, as the case may be.)
- Thunder God Incarnate: New Rare Artifact: Your first Attack card played each turn applies Shock equal to twice its cost. All enemies spawn with Shock 5.
- Growing Static & Clashing Steel removed as Mastery.
- Chonk: Produces 1 less overcharge.
- Stronk: Applies 2 less shock pre and post upgrade
- Bonk: Cost increased by 1, Vulnerable reduced by 1, and upgraded damage lowered from 60 to 55.
- Devotion: Lowered cost by 1
- Bolt: Changed damage from 10(12) to 11(14)
- Stalwart: Now rigged by default. Upgrade is instead -1 cost.
- Cloudburst: Has 1 less discharge pre-upgrade (so this is no longer changed on upgrade). Upgrade now adds "Remove all fortitude." at the start on top of still increasing damage by 6.
- Complete Circuit: Deals +5 damage baseline. The upgrade now adds 5 Shock instead of 3.
- Vanguard: Deals 20(22) damage instead of 18(19). Has 50% more Delay Rage both pre and post upgrade.
- Great Lunge: Deals 5 more damage pre and post upgrade
- Splitting Arcs: Increased damage by 1 pre and post upgrade, and added "or lost" to the end of the baseline text as well - so if you Discharge 4 with this effect, it will deal its damage 4 times!
- Dedication: It now triggers the zeal 3 twice without needing an upgrade. The upgrade instead increases X to X+1.
- Consecrate: Deals 1 more damage pre and post upgrade
- Reroute: added "and Overcharge 1" on top of the Zeal 2
- Thunderstorm: Changed X to X+1 (for both the per-turn application and the upgraded instant shock)
- Charge: Deals 1 less damage pre and post upgrade
- Dissipate: Blocks 1 more pre and post upgrade
- Forked Thrust: Deals 1 more damage pre and post upgrade
- Roll Over: Added "Slay: Gain 1 Energy." to the base card.
- Rebuke: Increased Zeal from 2 to 3
- Jolt: Applies 1 more Shock pre and post upgrade
- Strike Twice: Deals 5 more damage pre and post upgrade. Eeyup.
- Rolling Thunder: Now applies 3 shock pre-upgrade. The upgrade is instead to trigger X+1 times.
- Crackling Aura: Blocks +2 pre and post upgrade.
- Electric Kite: Blocks +1 pre and post upgrade. Also added "Purge: Zeal 1." to the baseline card.
- Static Sabre: Applies 1 more Shock and deals 1 more damage, pre and post upgrade
- Divine Retribution: Deals 2 less damage pre and post upgrade. Hopefully seeing it only hit for 1 gets people's brains going on how to make it hit shockingly harder!
New Cards
- Turbulence: Tempest Uncommon Ability, 1 cost: Apply Shock 6(8). Deal damage equal to half target's Shock to all enemies. Purge: Apply Shock 3(5) to highest HP enemy.
- Amplify: Tempest Uncommon Ability, 0 cost: Apply a 1 turn Debuff that makes the target suffer Shock equal to your excess Block. (Don't) Expel.
- Invoke: Tempest Common Ability, 1 cost: Zeal 3. Apply Shock equal to Zeal. Next card played will cost 1 more. (Purge: Zeal 2.)
- Resonate: Tempest Rare Ability, 2 cost: Delay Rage 25%. Apply Shock 4. (Not) Inert. Trigger + times equal to this card's cost.
- Helmbreaker: Rare Heavy Attack, 2 cost: If the target has 15+ Shock, Apply Vulnerable 1. Deal 7(9) damage an amount of times equal to twice this card's cost.
- Flux: Tempest Common Ability, 1(2) cost: Apply Shock 4(8). Your next card costs 1(2) less.
- Sacrament: Tempest Common Block Ability, 1 cost: Block 7(10). If this card costs 0, Zeal 2(3). If this card costs more than 1, next card played will cost 1 less.
- Hope: Tempest Common Ability, X cost: Draw X. (Add a Volatile Hope to hand.) Expel.
- Say Your Prayers: Tempest Uncommon Ability, X cost: Apply Weak X. (Apply Vulnerable 2.) Draw X. Discard X.
- Hallowed Vigour: Changed to "If you have 8 or less Overcharge, Overcharge 1."
- Divine Power: Changed to "Overcharge 1. If you have 8 or less Overcharge, Overcharge 2 instead."
- Righteous Aura: Increased damage by 1
- Sacred Beams: Reduced Shock by 1
- Voltaic Burst: Reduced Shock by 1
- Voltaic Surge: Reduced Shock by 1
- Sacred Barrage: Reduced Shock by 1
- Weave Fate: Changed to "If you have 15 or more threat, Recur a random Block card. Otherwise, recur a random Attack card.
- Call Executioner: Changed the tempo to be gated behind "If you have more than 50% Rage, next card played costs 1 less."
- Call Guardian: Changed the tempo to be gated behind "If the Block card doesn't have a base cost of 0 or 1, next card played will cost 1 less."
- Emergency Summons and Instant Summons: Added "Discard 1." into the middle of the text, after the volatiles are generated.
- Wave of Peace: Increased Block by 2
- Touch of Calm: Added "Lower all Debuffs by 1."
- Channel Power: Changed to just "Lower your spell's remaining cooldown by 1. If your spell was already off cooldown, Overcharge 1."
- Ravenous Whirl: Added another 25% immediate Rage into the discharge clause, so it's "Rage 25%. Discharge 2: Rage 25% and Delay Rage 50%."
Changed files in this update