Hey all!
It's Bruce the Director at Pixel Sprout Studios.
First off, thank you and welcome to all of our new players this last week! The support is overwhelming and we're incredibly grateful and excited to see all the new folks playing our beloved game. As a game dev, watching people enjoy your game is just absolutely heartwarming. Thank you!!
Now, to quickly get in to the post, we just released a micropatch to address some of the bugs from the release! Some of our patches are "ghost patches", which mean we micropatch some bugs without posting an actual patch notes here on Steam. Any time you see that blue "download" button before you play, that's us routinely patching in some quick fixes!
Other times though (like now!), we release some minor changes with a Small Game Updates post like this one. These posts are to communicate those minor changes to the community to make sure y'all are in the loop, usually if we make more than just a couple small changes. In this case, we want to make it clear we've heard your feedback on post-release bugs. And now, it's time to deliver some good news:
Patch 1.0.2 Micropatch Notes
- Save Files are now compressed making it easier for people to send them back and forth, as well as load into multiplayer games easier
- Steam cloud saves should now automatically save progress cross-platform between Windows and Steam Deck
- Fixed many issues with character customization colors and options not working as intended
- Fixed an issue with difficulties connecting to large save files
- Fixed an issue with Backups not being compressed
- Fixed an issue with Skateboards in the Nel'Vari Mount Store
- Fixed an issue with Stormelon not appearing at the Farming Store until year 2
- Fixed an issue with Summer Farm corner tiles layering improperly
- Fixed an issue with Scarecrows not working properly after a ghost micropatch
- Fixed an issue with Tree layering on certain maps like the Quarry Transition
- Fixed more typos (Sun Haven has 700,000+ words, so we'll be continuing to fix these lol)
- And various other small bugs!
Thanks for reading! Another ghost micropatch will likely come out early next week to address any other issues found over the weekend. For now, make sure to restart your steam in order to make sure you get the changes, and from there, go on and enjoy the game as normal!
Have fun, and have an awesome weekend everyone!
Bruce, Director at Pixel Sprout Studios
Changed depots in publicbetaenvironment branch