We have a small hotfix patch that will resolve some issues players were having.
Gameplay Changes:
- Adjusted the maximum lobby size from 4 to 12. Please note this is not complete, and some systems such as the UI/HUD were not designed to accommodate more than 4 players at once and may not work.
Quality of Life:
- Adjusted the hitbox for melee weapons to better represent where you are aiming and to accommodate for spiders
- Adjusted the random weather system to have more randomness
- Updated the starting area's house to have more instructions
- Added a "Controls" popup on the pause menu using the ESC key
- Player deaths in the kill feed will now have a Zombie icon
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where melee attacks would cause all player's cameras to shake
- Fixed an issue where occasionally dying while crouching would cause an infinite animation loop
- Fixed an issue where all players would switch to their weapon in slot 1 if a player went down
- Fixed an issue where you could attempt to revive a dead player, causing the game to never end
- Fixed an issue where you could sprint and crouch at the same time
- Fixed an issue where holding the sprint button would cause weapon inaccuracy when not moving
- Fixed miscellaneous map collision issues, notably by the path between the spawn area and the tower
- Restructured end game logic to solve multiple issues with players attempting to leave the match: Clients can now properly leave the game without the Host having to end it
- Adjusted the Kill Feed UI to have proper icons
Known Issues:
- Very rarely and in specific scenarios, dying while crouching and sprinting at the same time may cause an infinite animation loop. Dying and respawning fixes it (You are not penalized for dying).
- The Grenade weapon does not sit in the character's hand properly. This does not affect functionality.
- Opening the "Join Room" menu and accepting a steam invite will cause the "Join Room" menu to stay open. This does not affect functionality.
- When entering the incorrect room code or a code that doesn't exist or is full, you will fail to connect but the game will freeze instead of returning to the menu. This will be fixed next patch.
Changed files in this update