Hello, here a new main feature, the particle systems, available for images, shapes and 3D models.
A step-by-step tutorial is available here for this new feature.
Roadmap and news
Documentation and tutorials
New features
Particle systems for images, shapes and 3D models. Include variety of properties concerning particles emission, velocity, acceleration, ...
Here a step-by-step tutorial to begin with and some examples are also available by downloading PixelOver under the /examples folder.
Area rect can now be chosen in the export. (Canvas area, selected objects area or full page)
Added shortcuts for camera presets.
Added ctrl+ and ctrl- as default shortcuts for zoom in and out.
Optimized gradient input.
Bug fixes
[td]Prevent app crash when loading .vox file.[/td]
[td]Fixed mesh and materials versioning (undo/redo was not always consistent).[/td]
Not reported
[td]Fixed palette color popup hue shift when changing the color.[/td]
Roadmap for 2023
[td]Edit 3D bones animation.[/td]
[td]Ability to save and load animation.[/td]
[th]Tools and objects[/th]
[td]Particle systems.[/td]
[td]2D and 3D text object.[/td]
[td]2D lights with support of normal and depth map.[/td]
[th]Pixelation and effects[/th]
[td]Materials edition especially with custom palette indexation.[/td]
[td]More available effects with a tool to place them easily.[/td]
[td]More pixel-art oriented resampler.[/td]
[th]Importation & Export[/th]
[td]Import 3D FBX format.[/td]
[td]Import 2D formats Aseprite, PSD.
[td]Better favorite system with preview for shader, palette, dithering, ...[/td]
[td]Lighter project type. To batch pixelates files without any transformation.[/td]
ːsteamthumbsupː Available features but could be improved.
ːsteamthisː New available features added with this version.
If you see bugs or want to propose features, you can do it at the community, thank you !
Changed files in this update