Update 2023.03.16
Tldr: The HUD and the UI have been reworked, Stability and Performance were improved, Gamebalance and Gameplay have been upgraded and a lot of things where added, including 26 new Chonky NPCs.
- Fixed crashes on entering and reloading levels
- Fixed negative multiplicative boni in the hover text of items being coloured the wrong way around when comparing
- Fixed healing being reduced by your armor
- Fixed Enemy and Item levelling not being linear
- Stats will now be removed from the Character when unequiping items
- Fixed the weapon trails not adjusting their colour to your element
- Fixed Dark Tentacle Row unlock working with all weapons and not just two-handed ones
- Added an option to sprint (hold shift for +20% movespeed)
- 10 new interactible Chonky NPCs
- Added 15 background Chonkys
- Added the option to track a quest and a questlog where your progress is visible outside of the diary
- More elemental buffing items to enable builds for every element
- Finally Enabled the Snaily to go to sleep
- Added explore the world quests that lead you to all the areas
- Added our new Enhydra Games Splashscreen
- Added consumable display to HUD (with hovertext)
- A new AI for our enemies giving them better movement and more behaviour options
- Added new questmarker variations onto map
- A fishing camp
- New prefixes
- New Work In Progress icons for skills
- New loading screen tips
- Added consumables into the tutorial
- 2 new casting animations
- Increased Forest Chonky movement speed from 450 to 475
- Buffed Dark Tentacle damage by 50%
- A Hot Present explodes faster now
- Light Builds
- Increased Tripple Light Spear cooldown by 50%
- Nerved rain of light damage by 20%
- Increased frognado family cooldown to 15 seconds
- Nerfed Standing Rocknado damage by 50%
- Drastically increased the movement lock during the casting of Season of Storms
- Nerfed Red Shroom normal and special attack from 30 to 25
- Nerfed Green Shroom special attack from 20 to 15
- Nerfed Spoder normal attack from 20 to 15
- Nerfed Spoder special attack from 30 to 25
- Reduced the area level of the mini swamp from 2 to 1
- Reworked the majority of the UI, rest is to follow
- Performance Improvements
- Stability Improvements
- Made Damage Resistance scale slower but higher
- Made the cooldowns for weapon attacks more distinct
- Gave the Torch weapon a flame
- Updated the flavour text of some quest items
- Increased zoom speed
Changed files in this update