Hello Seedlings!
Thanks to all of you for your support, whether by sending in bugs, for leaving a review letting us know what you think, for hanging out in the community, or even simply playing the game.
If you are getting any issues, please send them in for us to look at (via discord or mailing bugs@kynseed.com).
There will be a longer gap till our next update as we are focussing on introducing some new improvements and features based on a mix of our previous roadmap, new ideas and community feedback. We'll share more details on these as soon as we're ready!
Here is today's changelog:
🔷 Can choose player head when starting the game
🔷 Can alter the name of your sibling
🔶 Summerdown villager npc improvement pass (mostly adult sprites)
🔶 Adjustments to local map icons
🔶 Alternate gamepad visuals for playstation/switch controllers available under Options->UI->Gamepad display type
🔶 Dating gifting allows any normal gift but is limited at cook meal stage to cooked food only
🔶 Dandelions reclassified as flowers to not be affected by herbs curse that would stop them growing
🔶 Healing creams do additional healing based on star rating
🔶 Fae markets lemonade stand is up to 25 brass limit
🔶 Adjust dance gifting to give more stat boost and less friendship points
🔶 Blacksmith balance adjustments
🔶 Durability bar changes - 1 extra star is awarded for filling it entirely
🔶 Sharpness bar changes - filling to the green zone will enhance durability, red zone will reduce durability
🔶 Some additional dialogue for npcs at market stalls
🔶 Combined apothecary storage units into one by the counter
❌ Fix for dates when npcs are working to point to their work location and initiate the date
❌ Fix Kynseed tree appearing cutoff on map
❌ Fix for adult children appearing as children when picking successor
❌ Fixed a few minor level issues with navigation and layering
❌ Fix for player child shrinking while as a shop worker in certain situations
❌ Prevented dandelion as a like/dislike for any npc
❌ Fix for Homestead tavern icon appearing outside map
❌ Fix for npcs following through walls
❌ Fix for offset of npcs going through doors leading to them partially going too far from the middle
❌ Guard fix for rare crash for level regions on loading a level
Changed files in this update