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Voltaire - The Vegan Vampire update for 17 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10786900 · Last edited 17 March 2023 – 18:06:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • New veggies: Poppycorns!

These particularly colorful plants are known for spontaneously combusting under intense pressure and heated arguments - keep your cool around them!

  • New baddies: Cornycobs!

As an extremely volatile species, Cornycobs have a rather peculiar defense mechanism: splitting into several tiny critters with a pop!

  • New summons & pets: Cornypops!

An intense mix of bad temper and fiery attitude make Cornypops both a powerful ally and a dangerous foe. Will you turn on the heat or shall cooler heads prevail?


  • Rooty-Frooties saw an eye doctor and can finally blink on their own (you’ll see!)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Hogrider to get stuck running in place
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Sandrhino to get stuck running in place
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Bloody Soil skill to remain active even after resetting your skill tree
  • Traps placed by players are now using a 3D sound origin to help prevent overly loud stacking noises when loading a game
  • Several stacking sounds have been normalized to avoid other overly loud interactions
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the UI to display two different interactions at once when pausing the game with the level-up skill selector open
  • Fixed the formatting of some quest descriptions to avoid UI overlapping on a Steam Deck
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “more info” text boxes in the Veggiepedia to not update their size immediately
  • Fixed an issue that was affecting the clicking sounds in the main menu
  • Several images have been optimized for improved quality and load time


  • Poppycorns have been added to C’thul’s gifts and treasure chests
  • Rooty-Frooties’ drop chance has been increased in C’thul’s gifts and treasure chests
  • Tutorial quest rewards have been adjusted to award the player more consumable veggies instead of a prevalence of new seeds
  • Improved the range and responsiveness of the aiming assist on ranged projectiles when playing with a controller
  • Loading history…
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