well... This is the version 1.1 update of Keep of the Witch. I fixed a decent amount of stuff pertaining to collisions, so the game should run the same unless you have been encountering specific collision related bugs. Aside from that, I've added the Cellar Level, an optional part of the castle that holds an item which will make the final boss more easier.
added the Cellar Level
added Boss: the Elemental
added Item: Ring of Souls
added maid cellar dialog
added the Castle floor Teleport System
fixed a statistic on the character: 1st Princess
fixed some of the collision overlaps
fixed world save issues where upon level reset via death may also reset Bosses and their Doors
Because I had to edit most of the assets, it has to redownload most of the game. Sorry about that, unless your new here then good for you.
If you're interested in what's next, well here it is. I'm currently working on another game; different game, different genre, but that doesn't mean Keep of the Witch is done with updates. When I feel like adding something, I'll drop whatever I'm doing and add it within a reasonable time. Keep of the Witch will not have any DLC, everything I add here will be part of the main game's update. What could I add next? maybe the achievement system and or an extra end boss. No promises though.
Changed files in this update