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Bounty of One update for 16 March 2023

Update version 0.18: Introducing Madlyn

Share · View all patches · Build 10785744 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, fellow outlaws!

It's been two weeks. Therefore, it's time for a new update. In case you hadn't guessed from the title and the teaser, Madlyn has returned after a long journey and is now one of us, an Outlaw, and without further do, let me present her.


Just like Serra, Madlyn is an orphan and has to survive by herself. In a small town like Greenhill, both of them ended up helping each other, and they formed a bond that was akin to being siblings. Serra, however, as the older of the two, eventually had to resort to not-so-savory deeds to make ends meet and slowly began to fraternize with the members of Greenhill’s underworld. As a younger sibling, Madlyn followed in her “sister’s” footsteps but lacked the proficiency of Serra when it came to weapons. To make up for her shortcoming, she embraced a weapon that would not rely on precision as much as her sister’s and eventually engineered a weapon that would rely solely on projectile numbers. Thanks to that, she became almost as feared as Serra was within the shadows of the small town.
This situation remained like this for quite a while, and the orphan gained quite a lot of renown. That is until a mysterious being named “The Undertaker” took over the town. Suddenly Serra pushed Madlyn away and antagonized her. Unbeknownst to Madlyn, her big sis was trying her best to protect her from evil beyond her, but unfortunately, it broke her heart instead, and she decided to join the Undertaker out of spite. The sisters never were able to patch things up after that, and, from that day on, Madlyn became Serra’s rival.
When the ranger eventually left the Undertaker’s forces, Madlyn took over her role, but with the shadow of her sibling finally gone, something was missing, and the missions she was given lacked flavor. Tired of her way of life, Madlyn ended up leaving the Undertaker just like her sister before her and gained a bounty on her head for that very fact.
Now, she fights together with the others outlaws to take down the Undertaker, and even though her pride will not let her admit it, she is happy to once again fight alongside the big sister she resentfully admires.

➜ We are making a new poll regarding the upcoming items on our server. So don't forget to join.👇

  • In this update, we also added a small new set of objects (some of which you might recognize from the previous poll) that you would be able to test out once you unlock their corresponding achievements.
    We can't wait for you to try them out.

As usual, we fixed some bugs and balanced a few things.

That's it for today. You can check the full patch note below ⬇︎. Peace out ✌



New Character


New Items

Now we have a new achievements system. And in order to unlock the perks of every achievement, you have to complete the required task.

  • Scrapgun - Starting weapon for Madlyn: Every time you move 2 meters, load your next shot with 2 more projectiles. (Max 3 times)

➼ [ Unlocked by finishing Walking toward danger achievement]

  • Godly Die: Your rerolls for upgrades now raise the quality of the choices you have (up to mythic rarity for any type of upgrade). Gain 4 reroll for upgrade choices.

➼ [Unlocked by finishing Cheat code achievement ]

  • Knife Volley: After you dash, throw 3 knives in a cone toward the closest enemy. Gain 1 dash.

➼ [Unlocked by finishing Knife trick achievement]

  • Last Pull: Attracts all collectibles on the screen upon taking damage. Gain 1 max health.

➼ [Unlocked by finishing Get yourself fired up achievement]

  • Panic Attack: Throws 3 knives in random directions for every 4 meters traveled.

➼ [Unlocked by finishing keep calm and run achievement]

  • Relentless Momentum: Whenever you move, add 8% to your area effect size and raise your damage by 5% for every 5 meters. (max 10 times)

➼ [Unlocked by finishing Influencer achievement]


  • Plague Bearer (Achievement) - Enemies kills needed 1000 -> 300

Visual Updates

  • Serra, Nigel, Ollin, and Roger’s illustrations are now better integrated into the main menu image
New Achievements
  • Keep calm and run
  • Knife trick
  • Cheat Code
  • Walking toward danger
  • Get yourself fired up
  • Influencer
  • A sister’s pride
Bug Fixes
  • Turret now get the right attack speed when it spawns
Hot Fixes in version 0.17
  • Infamy achievements, as well as some others, can now be unlocked on Steam too
  • Plague Bearer onion kills required 1000 -> 300
  • Fixed error with Far Sight object in Russian version + added Russian translation for achievements
  • Silver die can now be unlocked with Loaded achievements
  • Reroll sound is now louder
  • Fixed achievements requiring not taking damage, unlocking even when a player took damage
  • Fixed most character unlocks not unlocking for some players
  • Fixed undertaker kill achievements unlocks not unlocking for some players
  • Fixed error with Reckless rush object in Russian version + added Russian translation for Adrenaline obj
  • Mezcal Defiance is now unlockable with the achievement Slow Poke
  • Hungarian translation updated
Windows Depot 1968731
  • Loading history…
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