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Deepest Chamber: Resurrection update for 16 March 2023

Discover our newest run-enhancing feature in The Tricks of the Trade Update!

Share · View all patches · Build 10785306 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We're happy to announce another new feature that we think will add even more excitement and variety to your Deepest Chamber descents.

Introducing the Salvaging Feature

Upon completing a run, you’ll now be able to save a trinket from your collection for future runs. This means that on your next descent, you’ll get to keep that trinket and employ its abilities to help you on your journey. Please note that starting trinkets cannot be salvaged. We feel that this feature is suited for both new and experienced players, as it helps with tackling the initial difficulty and incentivizes additional runs.

Players will be able to salvage a trinket even if they are defeated. We're also playing with the idea of implementing a scoring system, where players who don't use the advantage of trinket salvaging would receive a hefty bonus.

This is just a little taste of what we got in store, with plenty more tricks up our sleeves for the rest of the year, so make sure to stick around.

Full patch notes below
  • New Feature: Trinket salvaging! After a run you are able to choose one of your trinkets to be used on the next run.
  • Redesigned the collection panel to be able to show more items at the same time.
  • Added a trail visual effect when a card has been used.
  • Added floating text to the provision panel when there is no space left for a potion.
  • Added X marks to visited map nodes.
  • Changed the visuals of nodes on the map that are no longer accessible.
  • Changed the static pink effect of the reflect buff to a pulsation one for better noticeability.
  • Changed the animation of cards to be more pleasant after they have been used.
  • Changed the cursor to feel like it has been pushed in when clicking instead of a simple rotation.
  • Changed the border graphics of secondary tooltips to be less distracting.
  • Changed the font size of the energy requirement of a card.
  • Changed the drop shadow of the energy requirement of a card to be more visible.
  • Changed the color of the card type text at the bottom of a card to be less distracting.
  • Balance: Hunter card Reload rarity changed to uncommon from common.
  • Balance: Added new hunter card: Scatter Shot (bleed archetype)
  • Fixed a UI issue that happened when starting a run with 4 potions and trying to loot a 5th potion at the provision panel.
  • Fixed the death camera animation going too far back.
  • Fixed the yellow holy VFX that plays after talking to the pope at the run win panel.
  • Fixed wrong mouse button symbol on the inventory popup tutorial.
  • Fixed withered rose dealing melee dmg instead of magical.
  • Fixed an animation loop that occurred when Ammut gets stunned and immediately dies.

Thanks, and see you in the depths!

Windows 64-bit Deepest Chamber Content Depot 1552081
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