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Rail Route update for 16 March 2023

Hotfix 1.10.7: Stations Localization

Share · View all patches · Build 10783734 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

For today's hotfix we have opened up translation and localization of the station names. This started with feedback from the Chinese community that it's tricky to play the game even with the language set to Chinese, because of confusion about the station names. We definitively understand that Rail Route becomes a lot trickier when you have to check twice where you're supposed to be sending your trains!

However, now this is a problem of the past, because we've made station names localizable. We have also, together with our lovely community, taken a stab at localizations of the names into the Chinese version of the game. Check it out if you prefer playing the game in Chinese!


UPDATE: Ingame UI is hidden when Rush Hour or Timetable map endscreen is shown  
UPDATE: Localizations (cs: achievements; fr: achievements, ui; nl: research, ui; zh-Hans: research, tutorials, ui; de: tutorials, ui)  
UPDATE: Localizations (zh-Hans: station names in stock maps)

FIX: Menu could be closed when no level was loaded due to an error  
FIX: Rebinding actions would still execute binded events while binding  
FIX: Starting new Rush Hour game would have time control keybinds non functional until clicked  
Windows Rail Route [win] Depot 1124182
  • Loading history…
macOS Rail Route [mac] Depot 1124183
  • Loading history…
Linux Rail Route [linux] Depot 1124184
  • Loading history…
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