2 New Bible Translations that contain the Catholic Deuterocanon.
Steam Cloud
Partial Controller Support
Search Filter - User can now choose which translation they would like to search for words and phrases in, instead of getting results for all translations simultaneously.
TRIVIA OVERHAUL - New Models, Textures, Sound Effects, Simulations, Score Tracking, Animations, Menus, and Unlock System.
Added 677 new Trivia Questions
ACHIEVEMENTS - Changed conditions for earning pre-existing achievements, also added a variety of new achievements. New achievements are related to the trivia overhauls, and the inclusion of new Biblical Translations.
Added 5 new Quizzes. New Quizzes will comprehensively test the knowledge of the user on a specific book of the Bible. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy all have Quizzes now. More Quizzes will be added over time until each book of the Bible has its own.
High Contrast Text - Added option for ease of visibility when playing Trivia, making it more accessible for users with poor vision.
Trivia Menu - Quiz selection menu has been altered to be more appealing. Also now displays the user's highest score on each Quiz.
Jar of Mana Unlock - When users get a Perfect Score on any Quiz they now unlock "Jar of Mana" which can be used to unlock any Quiz which the user does not currently have access to.
Created new sub menu to distinguish between Catholic and Protestant translations, making it easier for users to find the version they would like to read or study with greater ease.
Search Menu - In addition to adding the ability to filter search results by translation, the Search menu itself has been altered to be more appealing visually, as well as more easily readable for the visually impaired.
Changed files in this update