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Bleak Faith: Forsaken update for 16 March 2023

Patch Notes:

Share · View all patches · Build 10781572 · Last edited 16 March 2023 – 05:19:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-Reordered Continue and New Game to avoid accidentally starting a New Game.
-Reordered some UI pop ups so negative is always at the top, avoiding accidentally confirming by double pressing a button.
-Added a confirmation pop up for Overwrite and Delete of autosaves to avoid doing it by accident.
-Added several more inventory sort options: Helmet, Pauldrons, Cuirass, Legguards, Gloves, Amulets, Capes, Rings.
-Clicking on equipment slot now only sorts by items that can go in that slot.
-Updated shield mastery perk description to better represent it only works for shield blocks.
-Added an option in Gamepad settings to disable Gamepad Vibrations. (ON by default)
-Reworked Natural Talent perk to increase said Attributes instead of Stat benefits from said Attribute.
-Updated Animations on One Handed Weapons (more expansions in the future).
-Adjusted Play rate logic for locomotion animations to be more consistent .
-Changed base material of illusions so they don't appear invisible if player had no armor equipped.
-Updated details of Agility Attribute.

-Elemental summons and illusions are no longer lock-onable.
-Fixed the cost of some abilities to not cost 1 flux.
-Fixed an issue where Ability overlay panel would remain open if Inventory was force closed by combat.
-Fixed an issue where torch displayed the previously selected weapon's abilities.
-Fixed Konrad's heavy unblockable attack.
-Fixed an issue where placing a consumable in belt slot 3 would unequip belt slot 2.
-Fixed an issue where only heavy block animation would play while blocking with shields.
-Fixed Dual Brutality ability so it wouldn't target enemies behind walls.
-Fixed Flux Conversion FX remaining on the character's hand after the player was fully healed.
-Fixed an issue where screen would flash grey on landing.
-Fixed an issue where Illusions wouldn't spawn properly if a new illusion was triggered while an illusion was active.
-Fixed some more missing collisions on maps.

Windows Bleak Faith: Forsaken Content Depot 1173221
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