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Warlordocracy update for 16 March 2023

Warlordocracy Early Access v3.6

Share · View all patches · Build 10780859 · Last edited 16 March 2023 – 03:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Lots of updates and fixes. Added walking animations for the stick weapon, the Power Bash ability can now knock targets unconscious, tweaked weapon stats a bit, and fixed lots of little bugs. Editor mode is now F1, not ALT. Also expanded on the Player's Manual a lot with info on religion and more pics. Beware the Ides of March, don't get your ass stabbed, be careful out there.

Complete list of changes:

-Fixed unconscious sprite frame (animation stops immediately).
-Fixed bug when mobs wouldn't auto-talk to the party during combat.
-Fixed bug where Favius didn't have a death script set (disables saving if killed prematurely).
-Continued updating in-game texts and Player's Manual (added section on religion and more pics).
-Attacking the bandits between Feluco and Favius conversations now fails main objective.
-Added tons of new weapons (mace, staff, rapier, saber, scythe, and more, not in Ch.1).
-Changed world editor key from ALT to F1 so you can use ALT+V to paste text.
-Power Bash ability now has 50% chance of knocking target unconscious briefly.
-Wood sticks now have a walking animtion while equipped.
-Lowered steel sword damage, increased steel axe damage.
-Grazing animal AI now runs from attackers.
-Fixed rare crash when exiting editor mode.

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