Just a quick heads up- if you have a run in progress, it will be deleted upon updating 😢
New Additions
- Added a "Help Mode" that can be quickly toggled in-game via the Pause menu (Escape)
- Added Help Mode info popups to most icons in the game that did not already have a description
- Added buttons that appear before battle to quickly swap entire rows of units
Bug Fixes/QOL
- Grayed out menu "Load" button if there is not a run in progress to load
- Changed item descriptions so they will now appear during battle on mouse hover
- Changed text on Pause Menu from "Cancel" to "Back"
- Added a background code that will automatically remove in-progress run if I flag this as a big update. This will avoid errors on loading a game on the old version after updating
Extra Thoughts
Firstly, THANK YOU so much all the new and returning Automoji players during this first week of 1.0 release. I am filled with such joy seeing the player count and time played increase. I hope you are all enjoying my game! ❤️
This update was to address the very helpful ideas and feedback on the Steam discussion page! I appreciate all the input, and I hope this update meets your visions. If you have any other ideas, balance changes, bugs, or just want to chat always feel free to reach out 💭
Steam Discussion Page:
Happy gaming!
Karl @ Automoji
Changed files in this update